View Full Version : anybody feel like this?

02-04-2009, 02:35 PM
Does anybody else just feel completely out of it most of the time? I keep forgetting things and just can't think straight at all. I feel completely stupid and im getting so tired of feeling like this. I have constant negative throughts running through my head. When im talking to somebody, im always thinking, 'im going to say something really stupid soon' and 'why can't I think straight' and then my mind goes blank and I feel panicy and get brain fog (and a tension headache at times) and I beat myself up afterwards. Maybe its like a self fullfilling proficy? I can't seem to concentrate properly because im so wrapped up in these thoughts but I can't stop them. I don't feel emotions as much as I used to. I just feel sort of numb. Then I worry about why I don't feel like I should. But I know that if im in this over analysing mindset, that might be the reason. Can anybody relate?

02-05-2009, 11:48 AM
Yes, I definitely can to some degree. In these situations, I found that "just doing it" was the best thing to do. As you said, overanalysis did not help one bit.

Anxiety is very much like a self-fulfilling prophecy...you think nasty things about yourself and then they come true. However, so is optimism. Every time you want to think something negative, try instead thinking something more positive. If you continue to do this on a regular basis, you will find that you automatically think things in a more positive light after a couple months or so. It is very helpful.

Otherwise, check out northstar's anxiety guide (which can be found in other posts that he has made), and that will give excellent advice on other approaches to treating anxiety.

02-08-2009, 01:27 AM
I definitely agree with what danstelter said. I too use to always worry about saying something stupid to someone when I talked to them. I was so wrapped up in this fear in fact that I all together avoided talking to acquaintances. I totally agree that the first step is just talking in spite of the fear. I would rationalize that first I probably really wasn't going to embarass myself and second even if I did everyone says stupid things and it is easy to save face when you have a slip of the tongue. Through thinking this way I was slowly able to overcome this fear.