View Full Version : This pregnancy and panic, anxiety, and now DEPRESSION!

02-03-2009, 11:33 AM
Has anyone out there had a problem with their anxiety or panic getting worse during pregnancy. I am only 3 months right now, and I cannot believe I have to go through this for 6 more months! I considered abortion but decided against it. My OB gave me zoloft, and I dont feell comfortable taking the whole pill so right now I am only taking half of a 12.5 mg pill every day. Needless to say, its not working!!! I was forced to take a quarter of a 0.5 mg klonopin(clonazepam) about 3 times over the past 3 weeks because I had things I needed to do outside the house that I couls not tolerate doing without being tranquilized. I wonder if I could have harmed the baby with those pill even with the low doses? Have you ever been there? Now when I wake up in the morning I just feel horrible fro head to toe. I have no motivation to do a thing and I keep feeling like life is passing me by. In the past, paxil worked wonders for my panic and anxiety. I have been warned not to take it though because it has been proven to cause fetal heart defects. I have to get over all of this by August when the baby is due. Before this all began, I was working, doing my schooling, and living fine... Now I have been forced to move back in with my dad and I dont do anything except my school work which is online. Has anyone been here during pregnancy before? What worked for you, did you take pills?7 Please help!

02-03-2009, 12:23 PM

I've never been pregnant unfortunately so can't offer advice in that respect. I do know that the early stages of pregnancy are EXHAUSTING though! Are you eating right and making plenty of time to relax? A tired mind will always suffer more than a relaxed mind.

02-03-2009, 02:51 PM
Anxiety and panic can be worse during pregnancy due to the huge changes in hormones (dont know if you noticed but if your prone to anxiety it can increase around the time of your period too).

I had a terrible time during my second pregnancy as it was unplanned and I was suffering from grief from the loss of my parents, I too considered an abortion and thankfully my doctor who knows me very well made me realise that this was not the answer for me (thank goodness, my son is 10 now and I couldnt bear it if he was not in my life) I didnt take any medication I just lived with it, I admit it was very hard as I already had an active 2 year old running around. I was extremely scared of the feelings I had and worried that the constant adrenalin would harm my baby but it didnt :)

Try not to focus too much on the anxiety as it makes it worse, get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, eat well, dont let your blood sugar fall and try and find something that relaxes you, (TV, reading, music, walking, swimming ..... anything, if it helps do it)

Good Luck - it will all be worth it

02-04-2009, 03:41 PM
I had my first really serious episode of anxiety during my first pregnancy. I didn't really know what was going on at the time other than I had frightening obsessive thoughts from the moment I woke up to the moment i went to sleep. It was hideous but it all went the day my morning sickness stopped (at 20 weeks) as though someone has flicked a switch and I was human again. I hope yours goes too - I know how awful it is but just try to remember that your thoughts aren't real and that they are a product of your hormone related anxiety. I recommend that you breastfeed for as long as possible after the birth because this keeps the happy hormones flowing for longer. I get major fluctuations with my cycle now but I have it under control with various alternative supplements.