View Full Version : Anxiety is back :(

02-03-2009, 04:23 AM

I was treated for depression and anxiety over a year and a half ago, taking cymbalta and klonopin. I was 19 then, now I'm 21 and I've been away at college since I stopped treatment with some rough days here and there, but nothing too bad.

I went back home for 3 weeks for Christmas break, and I felt great. I got good grades for the semester, I slept well for a change (I've always had trouble with sleep), and I just relaxed the whole time.

When I went back, I was sad I had to leave my family. I wasn't sleeping good from the start, but I was really intent on staying on top of things this semester by going to all my classes, working out, doing all my homework. But I got really sick for the first two weeks of school, and all of the sudden it's like I felt this huge burden - taking 19 credits, doing ROTC, trying to stay in good shape, not sleeping well. And a huge cause for worry was that my history of depression would get me kicked out of ROTC. Long story short, I thought it was cleared but it wasn't.

I missed so much class from being sick I had to drop down to 11 credits and I decided to quit ROTC because it seemed like things weren't going to work out for getting my medical stuff waived.

Now I feel so nervous I can't sleep at night. I know this is vague, but I feel really weird. My right arm feels weak, I'm worried there's something physically wrong with me. I'm pretty sure it's just the anxiety that's returned after a stressful time, but I still can't shake this worry that I've got a brain tumor or something. I just stay up at night playing video games to distract me from constant worry.

I guess what worries me is that I was fine last semester. I worry that there's something physically wrong because this came on so suddenly.

02-03-2009, 05:40 AM
From what you say i would say that this is anxiety, probably triggered by your being ill...i often find that when i've not been well...even down to a cold...my anxiety can flare up. Probably due to my body being tired and run down.
You say that you overcame anxiety before by using medication? maybe now would be a good time to look into CBT through which you'll learn techniques to control any future anxiety flare ups.

02-03-2009, 05:59 AM
am sorry you are going through this but hang on my friend its only a dark cloud that will pass. never let it overwhelm you.
i had panic attacks since i was 15 i gone through this suffering alone nobody knew else i thought i was the only person so, i can't forget the first day i registered at the university and the worries i had when i looked at the class glass front and saw all these normal students sitting there in the class, i couldn't imagine myself sitting there in the class having a panic attack and suddenly escaping the class like a fool. but i made it and i finished the university although took me 2 years more but i did it i was very happy at school had new true friends who made my life worth never passed a day without hanging out together.i had more important things to worry about the hard courses that i failed each semester, i rarely thought of the panic attacks i didn't bother myself i was living happily. things got worse at the summer the junior class i had a sexual relation with a prostitute where i had the worry that i caught HIV. since that incident i lived a 6 month of terror my health deteriorated and i was to forced to go to hospital after a panic attack where they diagnosed me and gave me xanax and anafranil, there first time i knew there was a medical condition called panic attack and the nurse told me she also has this condition but don't worry there is med that help you get rid of it.

i wish i have been diagnosed before i wouldn't have reached the bottom of my health, since that six month of terror i was not as before although i dont have the fear of getting a panic and never had one since i took the med.

i started to be too much vulnerable to emotions or sad or angry anything can affect me and make me tired without a med. any way am continuing the med because i tried to stop many times but always relapsed
iam functioning well with the med and able to have a normal life although somedays i get easily tired or shaky but its ok i can go to work and perform well and nobody knows i have a problem, the next day or week would be better. i just respect my body now don't blame it just live with it
enjoy your life and thanks god who gave u a life think, of the more miserable ppl there who has other serious illness or handicapness that prevent them to have a normal life and function as you
iam working abroad (living alone which i couldn't imagine at age 20)
since i graduated which is 3 years ago, wanting to get married at the summer i know there will be more responsibility and stress but when things get bad i will pop some xanax :D. got engaged 4 years my fiance knows everything about me and she is too much supportive to me
, sorry for the long story :D but this is the first time i tell the whole story even my fiance don't know its cuz of the HIV story :S silly me

nothing is wrong with you just go continue your life

02-03-2009, 12:22 PM
Thats usually the way things happen, with all of the normal pressures in life that most people can cope with without problems, than there are people with the chemical imbalances already present... We cannot handle that extra stress and pressure. Its seems that we are doomed to always have it return sometimes. I went about 2 years before it came back on me recently. Now I am as low as they come. You need to get back on your medication and start to see your Dr. Take care of it before it gets worse. I wish I would have done something about mine before it turned in to agoraphobia. I have had that weak arm symptom before, its just anxiety. Dont worry about it. Well, try not to worry about it. Things will improve.

02-03-2009, 03:31 PM
Thanks, it's nice to get a little sympathy, even on the internet :P

02-16-2009, 09:10 AM
Just having faith in God that things will improve.

It seems too simple,but I believe this is the BEST solution to ALL problems. Divine healing 8)