View Full Version : help me please :(

02-02-2009, 01:05 AM
hi, i was diagnosed with panic disorder since 5 years, since i started medicaion no panic disorder anymore, iam taking lexapro 10 but i always wake up tired and rarely i can make a continues sleep. iam waking up at 3.am sharp then after 1 hour i get sleepy then sleep till 7 (work time) wake up very sleepy and tired, which will last till the noon.
is it a common thing to have this quality of sleep during medication? how should come out of this cycle?
iam also having like social problems and this med doesnt seem to help me with these problems i feel too much symptoms like annoyed and rapid heart rate with too much adrenaline when i meet somebody that i don't like, should i use another drug?

02-02-2009, 06:19 AM
Unfortunately all medication has unwanted side affects some of which can mimic symptoms of anxiety which is why I decided to stop taking mine years ago.

You should go back to see your doctor and discuss your options.

02-02-2009, 11:09 AM
You could use another drug, but then again you might get more unwanted symptoms. I have heard somewhere that lexapro can cause sleep issues, and I think that I may have experienced some myself. I also am on lexapro, but if it is interrupting my sleep, it is not doing so enough to make me want to go off of it.

You are right to question your medication. You can go see your doctor and see what he says, but remember, a different medication may make you worse off...it's hard to say unless you actually go and experience it.

02-03-2009, 12:30 AM
you are right i will not trade off my drug with any other trial, i already had the bitter with Anafranil, Zoloft and prozac all made me freak specially the first two.
2day am feeling well not took may pill last night, slept well, i will try to shift my pill to the morning if the sleeping is disturbed by the med may it will help i will not change the med now i will try to stick on it cuz it was z only one i felt better with
good luck 4 all

02-03-2009, 08:34 AM
I hope you overcome this sleep problem, anna. I went through this sort of thing myself. I think it was 9 nights that I didn't sleep