View Full Version : scared of medication (well nearly everything!)

01-29-2009, 05:12 AM
I feel so freaky!!! I have this BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC fear of having a anaphylactic fit. (before anyone asks - I have never had one). My fear is so intense, that i will not take any medication in case i have a reaction. If by a miracle i do take it, i spend the next 2 hours in shear panic. I will not take any herbal supplements (hence spending a fortune on products from Natropaths that i will never use). Had an allergic reaction to a piece of fruit before Christmas and now very anxious when eating anytime of foods (there goes my social life, never going to a resturant or BBQ for a while). Also, will not try any new health and beauty products (shampoo, cosmetic and the like). It is really strange how this phobia has developed. Just wondering, am i the only one that has this strange phobia?

01-29-2009, 12:12 PM
There are probably others out there with this phobia, but it can be overcome and you can get to the point where you can do all those things that you used to do once again!

02-09-2009, 08:26 PM
i am the exact same way! i mentioned on another post that when i took an anxiety meds, i started having the worst kind of anxiety!!!! my body was soooo numb it was dead winter and i was outside and couldn't feel a thing! now i'm scared to even take multi-vitamins! everytime i eat i get anxiety because i am afraid i would have a reaction :(

I try sooooo hard not to do that, but it doesn't work at all. i am really sad and depressed.

02-09-2009, 11:08 PM
This is definitely a phobia and possibly OCD. (only a qualified medical professional can give that diagnosis, but I see the warning signs, particularily avoiding benign objects even if they are rationaly connected to your fear) Have you seeked any professional help yet? What was the diagnosis?

02-16-2009, 08:23 PM
I feel so freaky!!! I have this BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC fear of having a anaphylactic fit. (before anyone asks - I have never had one). My fear is so intense, that i will not take any medication in case i have a reaction. If by a miracle i do take it, i spend the next 2 hours in shear panic. I will not take any herbal supplements (hence spending a fortune on products from Natropaths that i will never use). Had an allergic reaction to a piece of fruit before Christmas and now very anxious when eating anytime of foods (there goes my social life, never going to a resturant or BBQ for a while). Also, will not try any new health and beauty products (shampoo, cosmetic and the like). It is really strange how this phobia has developed. Just wondering, am i the only one that has this strange phobia?

Hey,what you really need is a shift in mindset in how you interprete your body reactions to the fear that you have. The constant fear that you have aggravates your condition, not until you have removed FEAR itself. Phobia is something in your subconcious mind. For you to change/remove that, behaviourial therapy would work..

Give it a try ok?

tk care.

02-16-2009, 09:59 PM
hey, I have the EXACT same thing! I wouldn't take ibprofin for the longest time, even though in high school I was taking it at LEAST once a day. I'm finally taking Ibprofin, but I stay away from meds. I tried taking NyQuil then immediately thought I was dying. I am either afraid of an allergic reaction or that the most intense side effects will happen to me. And I've never had an allergic reaction before. I wont even eat peanuts even though I used to love them.

I shudder to think of how I'd react if I ever got stung by a bee!

02-18-2009, 10:27 AM
I am going through the same thing. I was prescribed 3 meds. Concerta,colonzapean for anxiety, and ambien. I don't like the idea of putting chemicals in my body as it is. I am afraid to take the colonzapan for fear that it will cause a major side effect. The other meds I have taken before and worked fine.

I didn't discuss this with the my new pysch that I was afraid to take it. I am suppose to take it everyday. I will problably take it as needed instead. I don't know. I feel so lost.


02-22-2009, 07:49 AM
There are some effective natural meds you can take without harmful side effects. GABA, 5-HTP, and Kava are a few.