View Full Version : Fear of Speaking

01-29-2009, 02:49 AM
I've 'suffered' from anxiety and panic for years now, and it's come in many forms. I've got the Panic Attacks under control, except in one particular situation; Public Speaking.

I've heard the following statistic: more people are afraid of Public Speaking than Death. I fit that mold, perfectly. My panic attacks can come during a small meeting, simple interview, or a one-on-one conversation with someone I look up to (father, work superior, etc.) These seemingly 'light' situations garner such an unbelievable amount of fear and panic within me that a public speaking engagement would find me passing right out.

The thing is, to reach the top of my profession (which I'm incredibly passionate about), one MUST be able to speak in front groups and to lead people, to be on-stage as part of a 'panel', and at some point I may even be required to speak on camera to an international audience. The simple thought of this drives gut wrenching nervousness to my belly, which spreads throughout my whole body, kicking off a nice bout of anxiety. Yuk.

I'm all-in for CBT, and I'm springing for group therapy to face my fear of speaking in front of people. However, these sessions are few and far between, and I'm in a terrible state currently, with meetings and interviews abound.

Anyone have any tips or tricks?


01-29-2009, 12:17 PM
Yes, I am in the same situation too where I have to speak in front of groups and I really do not want to because I know the anxiety will be bad.

But, one mental trick that I have learned over the years is that while the anxiety might be bad at first, it eventually passes and things get better. And, you ALWAYS do better than you thought that you did.

In your case, I would recommend medication of some kind, which will reduce the symptoms so that you can relax a little more and focus on speaking (I am using medication and it is very helpful). Then, use the CBT and learn other anxiety-management techniques, and after a few months or so you will have gained more skill and notice that your anxiety in these situations has decreased. It may take, and this is the scary part, several years before your anxiety lessens to a very manageable amount, but you can do it if you put your mind to it! Remember that medication is not the solution, but it only reduces symptoms so that you can gain skill at reducing your anxiety by managing your thoughts and physiological reactions!

02-02-2009, 02:44 AM
Remember that when we're nervous of speaking in front of people we're focusing too much on ourselves and not on them!

It's okay to be nervous! Plenty of people are, and if you tell the group you're a little nervous they will understand! Don't feel you have to stand up and be ultra confident, that's not the case at all and I bet at least half the people in the room once felt as you do now before they got all their public speaking practice under their belts!