View Full Version : Think I have anxiety?

01-28-2009, 04:55 PM
A lot of the time I'm constantly moving my hands or tapping or snapping, during anxiety creating situations my heart palpitates and I get really hot (like certain spots over my body) And I have to constantly stretch my arms. A lot of the time, when there's 10 minutes to go in class, I will get really anxious and rock back and forth and etc. Waiting in line for anything or the fear of being called on in class makes me anxious as well. (Even the daily role call makes me anxious) Social situations make me really nervous. When I told my doctor about this a couple of years ago all she did was recommend me to a psychiatrist -_-.

Any questions or comments welcome!

01-29-2009, 12:28 PM
You are definitely suffering from anxiety, probably Social Anxiety and perhaps some General Anxiety. Doctors are the last place to go when seeking help for anxiety, and psychiatrists are not the first place to go either.

The best place to go would be to an anxiety counselor (if you can afford it). Counselors do not prescribe medication; they help you to understand your difficulties and how you might be able to solve those difficulties. I used counseling once for three months and found it very beneficial. They will teach you techniques to manage your anxiety, and they can also help you decide whom else you might need to see like a doctor or psychiatrist, or they may help you realize that you do not need to see those other professionals at all!

You can totally change your life with counseling, so I strongly recommend it! It worked for me!