View Full Version : Anyone feel this way?

01-28-2009, 02:32 PM
I have been suffering from Anxiety and Panic attacks for as long as I can remember and things only seem to get progressively worse over time. I'm feeling pretty hopeless, but I am determined to get control of this and live a fullfilling life. I am avoiding and missing out on some really fun and quality times with family and friends because of my constant worry and panic issues and in turn, this gets me very down.

I am getting to the point where I avoid the freeway because it makes me panic. I even get nervous while going into stores or other buildings with automatic doors for fear the power might go out and I will become stuck in there. Even doors in rooms without windows or on higher floors of buildings make me nervous. I know this is irrational, but its constantly in my mind. I also become extremely anxious and panicky as a passenger in vehicles.

My boyfriend has been wanting me to go on trips with him - whether its an hour away to a big city (I previously would jump at this opportunity) or a vacation to Mexico or Hawaii. I don't go because there's the freeway, then there are parking garags and elevators, airplanes, shuttles, taxis... in case you haven't noticed, I am very clausterphobic. Does anybody have suggestions for me as to meds (I've tried Paxil, Lexapro, Celexa), treatments or coping mechanisms? I tried to face this head on with going out in a boat with my boyfriend on a nice summer day. I was fine at first but the minute we got out to the middle of the lake, I felt like I was going to die and had to get to shore. I was better when the boat was moving, but the minute he slowed way down or stopped, I completely freaked out. It was awful. It was upsetting for him as well to see me like that. We got to shore and I just sat there and bawled. Here we rented this nice pontoon boat (had the capacity to fit 12-14 people) for the day and I couldn't enjoy it... nor could he.

01-28-2009, 02:49 PM
I highly recommend you get help. There are some issues that we can't deal on our own and from what I read, you could use some help from a therapist.

I would also say it's normal to have fears, everyone does.

If you want to deal with them on your own I suggest you try and face them with a positive approach. Also, try to understand WHY you can't stand your fears. There's a reason behind everything and finding it may help you shut it down for good.

Good luck with that,
Hope it helps a bit,

01-28-2009, 03:46 PM
I have tried counseling a few different times. The first time I really liked the woman and she was great but I felt like when I went to her, it was more of a bitch session about my every day life. After several months of this and no direct work towards my anxiety, I didn't feel I was getting much out of it. The second time, I liked the woman but she is the one that suggested I do the boat deal. It really backfired and I feel set me back quite a bit. The 3rd person, I quit immediately after the 1st session because I felt she was very unprofessional... I had gone to her because she was the only in-network provider in my city. I am more than willing to try counseling again and would very much like to, but I worry a little about the money situation - we took a 10% pay cut at work and I have a $2,000 deductible. Any suggestions on how to find a good provider?

I have also tried hypnosis. I came out of it feeling better in the short-term, but it didn't "fix" me. I know there is no quick or easy fix to my problems, but I feel like I've tried everything. I do not want to be a lost cause but I honestly feel like it at times.

01-28-2009, 11:40 PM
hi sunshine :)

if you're looking for other methods of helping out with the anxiety then you might like to have a look at this post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 in it i've included all the things that helped me on my own journey & you may find some things in it that will help :)

sorry to hear your counselling hasn't been successful so far. at this stage you might like to look into cognitive behaviour therapy which is highly recommended for anxiety, it's not just a talk therapy but it will give you practical lessons on how to deal with your problems.

hope you're feeling good soon :)

lil wolf
01-29-2009, 07:17 AM
I have been suffering from Anxiety and Panic attacks for as long as I can remember and things only seem to get progressively worse over time. I'm feeling pretty hopeless, but I am determined to get control of this and live a fullfilling life. I am avoiding and missing out on some really fun and quality times with family and friends because of my constant worry and panic issues and in turn, this gets me very down.

I am getting to the point where I avoid the freeway because it makes me panic. I even get nervous while going into stores or other buildings with automatic doors for fear the power might go out and I will become stuck in there. Even doors in rooms without windows or on higher floors of buildings make me nervous. I know this is irrational, but its constantly in my mind. I also become extremely anxious and panicky as a passenger in vehicles.

My boyfriend has been wanting me to go on trips with him - whether its an hour away to a big city (I previously would jump at this opportunity) or a vacation to Mexico or Hawaii. I don't go because there's the freeway, then there are parking garags and elevators, airplanes, shuttles, taxis... in case you haven't noticed, I am very clausterphobic. Does anybody have suggestions for me as to meds (I've tried Paxil, Lexapro, Celexa), treatments or coping mechanisms? I tried to face this head on with going out in a boat with my boyfriend on a nice summer day. I was fine at first but the minute we got out to the middle of the lake, I felt like I was going to die and had to get to shore. I was better when the boat was moving, but the minute he slowed way down or stopped, I completely freaked out. It was awful. It was upsetting for him as well to see me like that. We got to shore and I just sat there and bawled. Here we rented this nice pontoon boat (had the capacity to fit 12-14 people) for the day and I couldn't enjoy it... nor could he.

Well, what do you find more important... letting your boyfriend drown on the boat from freak accident and you not being able to really apply your all to saving him, or being fearful? What you can do now is begin to correcting the way you think to being more rational. the fact is, it's much more logical that on a daily basis you can hurt yourself, accidentally kill yourself, or suffer in a bad way, it does not take going boating, or going some place tiny, or anything like that. the minute your born to the minute you die anything can happen to you, and it doesn't really matter the statistics, those mean nothing when thing's actually happen to you, what are you going to say when you begin realizing your choking on food that you thought contained no bone in it, but in fact did and now you are dying, "ohhh but the statistics said this usually isn't possible, unbelievable!!" or is it really that unbelievable? the problem so much isn't what these thing's are, and facing those, the thing is facing what might be causing this subconsciously inside of you and dealing with that with the correct approaches, and facing that instead. life as we know it isn't going to change, it is what it is, always has been, im pretty sure it always will be too. and life is to precious and sometimes some of us need not only to put value in something's, but all thing's. not only start thinking about others and other things, but do them as well even if you're scared, because that is one way of saying "even though i am scared i have a purpose, and that is more important". you can give yourself any reason to want to live in life, and you can give yourself any reason to want to die. maybe it's going to take years more of therapy and the right doctor for you to shed that special light upon you, but that doctor will had maybe shown you the light you can't show to yourself about Life in general so that you can apply it meaningfully. just keep in mind that with each breath you take you never know if there will be another, and that is entirely out of your control. you weren't given the option to decide your fate, you were only given the option to decide how you want to see thing's in your life...how you want to live, before you die. it isn't easy to live with sudden rushes of fear, i know, but it gets better when we most honestly apply ourselves and trust in ourselves and follow a long with what really needs to be done anyway. i've always believed true fun comes when we deserve it, and when we learn what that real fun is. what takes place with us in life is sometimes for the better, and life always repeats it's lessons to us until we learn them.

01-29-2009, 12:27 PM
Northstar is bang on the money...'normal' counselling (what is known as a person centered approach) isn't goal orientated and because you set the agenda often isn't anything more than an opportunity to offload. Which isnt a bad thing but won't encourage you to move forward. When looking for a new counsellor looking for solution focussed therapies, such as CBT or NLP. Your second counsellor was kind of right in suggesting you try the boat thing, although she probably gave you too big a goal to try first time. Exposure is a great way to tackle your anxiety and claustrophobia but its important that you take baby steps with this because as you experienced its easy to get out of your depth with this which will only add fuel to your anxiety fire. A good therapist will help you to find small, challenging but achievable goals. Like i say take baby steps with your recovery...this isnt a sprint...its a marathon...but like all marathons it can be finished...and is a massive achievment whether you sprint over the finishing line or walk. Five months ago i couldn't leave my mums house at all and with the help of a quality therapist, an awful lot of research on my part and a huge dose of courage i have been able to get myself as well as i've been for the past year...and i havent finished yet!!!

Best of luck...and remember that it is absolutely possible to get past this and back to your 'normal' self!!!!

01-29-2009, 03:06 PM
My anxiety has ruined my whole life and everything i am afraied of came true. I am afraid of getting the stomach flu in any way like throwing up or diarriah and when i get it im fine. After...not so much it has been about 2-3 days since i threw up...and had diarriah...Im still scared and now whenever i eat the food sounds really bad and than I eat it and i gag its happened before from my fluaxatin. And i really dont want it ti happen again anyone else going throught this too...?! :?