View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms like heart attack

01-27-2009, 05:31 PM
I am really struggling here.

In early September, I went into the e.r. because I felt like I couldn't breathe. They said I had enough oxygen, my x-rays and EKG came back okay. They said it was anxiety, and since then, I've had it off and on since then. I went to the cardiologist anyway to see what he thought, and he didn't do any tests, just consulted with me and told me it was anxiety and that I was too young to have heart symptoms (I'm 27.)

Over 2 weeks ago I started feeling some chest discomfort. I made another appointment with the doctor and his nurse told me to skip it and get to the e.r. I had the same tests repeated...same results. I was told it was anxiety.

What's strange is I've had an anxiety disorder since I was 13 and my anxiety/panic attacks never present like this. I've typically gotten really nauseated, light-headed and panicky. This is new.

I started getting that crushing feeling in the center of my chest. It went away, but there was a lingering feeling of discomfort. I had a normal appetite but felt like things weren't digesting okay. I have a feeling of tension over my heart, on and off. I went back to the e.r. and all of the tests came back negative. They gave me Ativan and things felt slightly better, though there was still some chest pain. I was also given Zoloft by my primary care, and I haven't been on any medications at all in 2 years, (but I had been before, since I was 16.)

I've been told by all of the e.r. doctors, my cardiologist and primary care that this is anxiety. But the chest discomfort, breating and pains in my shoulder and back (and sometimes arm) worry me.

When I take benzodiazapines the feeling that I can't breath well goes away. I know this indicates anxiety, but I feel so convinced that I am going to have a heart attack and that doctors aren't doing further testing because A) they think I'm too young (27) and B) i have a history of anxiety.

Does anyone get these symptoms in the middle of a horrible stretch of anxiety? Like a few weeks at a time? My symptoms keep varying, but I wish I could get some peace of mind. I just lost my job over it.

Anything would help.

01-28-2009, 09:24 AM
I get cheast pains all the time,I have been to multiple doctors and they say its because of anxiety. I found out that if you dwell on the cheat pain you are going to make it worse,the best way to stop it is just to ignore the pain and just tell your self your not going to die.

I know this might sound stupied but it helped me alot!
Next time you have a cheast pain just tell your self you are not having a heart attack and your not going to die,and DO NOT DWELL ON THE PAIN!

01-28-2009, 11:51 AM
I am quite sure it is anxiety, the mind can play tricks with you and the more you worry about it the more it will happen.

If all your tests are normal then that is a good sign and you really should start to believe that you are not having a heart attack.

I have had just about every symptom you can get with anixety over the years and sometimes a new one will pop up out the blue and worry me, years ago I was at the doctors all the time with a new symptom because I thought I was dying from something but now I just tell myself its anxietyand try not to dwell on it and it goes away.

01-28-2009, 12:03 PM
I'm just having trouble because since Sunday morning, I can't breathe right. It's like I'm getting enough oxygen, but there's this heaviness I feel when I try to breathe all the way in or out. If I try the anxiety breathing excercises, it gets worse. When I yawn, it gets worse. Just liketighter.

It's been 4 days non-stop. It doesn't go away. I'm still getting occasional chest pains, that very all over. Some are even in my back and arms. I'vea also had what feels like a tension headache.

I know I am in an anxious state, but I've never had anxiety with these symptoms...they were always a different variety before.

I just want to be able to breathe without it hurting or feeling like something is restricting it.

01-28-2009, 12:05 PM
I am quite sure it is anxiety, the mind can play tricks with you and the more you worry about it the more it will happen.

If all your tests are normal then that is a good sign and you really should start to believe that you are not having a heart attack.

I have had just about every symptom you can get with anixety over the years and sometimes a new one will pop up out the blue and worry me, years ago I was at the doctors all the time with a new symptom because I thought I was dying from something but now I just tell myself its anxietyand try not to dwell on it and it goes away.
EXACTLY! Just like what I said,anxiety is fueled by worry,I know it can be hard to try not to worry about everything,but if you try long and hard you will get out of your stupper and be free of anxiety! ;)

01-28-2009, 12:09 PM
I'm just having trouble because since Sunday morning, I can't breathe right. It's like I'm getting enough oxygen, but there's this heaviness I feel when I try to breathe all the way in or out. If I try the anxiety breathing excercises, it gets worse. When I yawn, it gets worse. Just liketighter.

It's been 4 days non-stop. It doesn't go away. I'm still getting occasional chest pains, that very all over. Some are even in my back and arms. I'vea also had what feels like a tension headache.

I know I am in an anxious state, but I've never had anxiety with these symptoms...they were always a different variety before.

I just want to be able to breathe without it hurting or feeling like something is restricting it.
Listen, your fine I have had that before too,sure it might not be pleasent but just ignore it,go do something you like and it will take your mind off of it.TRUST

01-28-2009, 12:09 PM
What you experienced was a REAL panic attack. There are several level of anxiety/panic attacks. I don't understand why the doctor didn't tell you this. I've read a lot and got informed about panic attack and it all comes down the same pattern you experienced : the feeling you will have a heart attack.
I insist on the word feeling.

I had 3 over the last past year. Had to call an ambulance over because I was sure I was going to die. Blood pressure throught the roof, heart beating like mad, I was breathing hard and fast.

The sad thing about panic attacks is that they are real even though they are just symptoms. That said, you can do something about it. If it has to happen again, focus ONLY on your breathing. Breathe deep and slow. Sit down somewhere alone and try to relax, it takes time but it will pass. On top of that, whenever you feel it wants to come back, do the same thing. After a couple days you get the hang of it. I could also say that you need to face your own fear. I know it sounds cheezy but every stress comes from something. You can try to isolate the feeling and try to find a solution to the problem. It's also hard at first but then again after a couple days you start being able to understand the cause of your stress and to be able to do something about it.

Eating healtier, making exercise and setting priorities in your life will also help A LOT. Don't let it control you, it gets only worse (I can say that by experience : I always tried to avoid it using alcohol mainly, but every time it comes back harder).

Good luck,

01-28-2009, 12:38 PM
Ok, listen you can not breathe properly because you are so anxious, I quite often feel like I am unable to breath and my chest is tight but because I now its not life threatening it passes. If you try to hold your breathe you will soon be gasping for air which shows you that you are in fact able to breath.

I had such a bad panic attack once (and I hope this doesnt make anyone worry it will happen to them :? ) but I actually lost my memory, I was pregnant at the time and the hospital said to call an ambulance (which made me more anxious) my blood pressure was through the roof, I couldnt feel my arms or face they were so numb, my breathing was so tight I was sure I was dying. In the ambulance I was asked my phone number and I couldnt remember it, I was asked my doctors name and I didnt know it my mind completely shut down and everything was a total blank. I was hysterical saying I was dying. I felt like such an idiot when they wheeled me into A&E and said that I was 31, 11 weeks pregnant and having a panic attack :?

Your tests would not be normal if you were having a heart attack even a minor one would show up, you are focusing too much on your symptoms and I bet you are so tense that it is causing all the pains in the back etc and I am not surprised you are getting a headache with all that worry.

02-01-2009, 04:04 AM
I went through the same thing. Well, still going through it haha. I go for a good week of feeling like I can't breathe everyday from the moment I wake up all the way until I go to sleep. And I have the chest pains too. It really helps to just ignore the pains and try to ignore the breathing. The more you think about it, the more it'll keep happening. i know it sounds really hard but seriously, it works. You're obviously fine if you've gotten checked up and everything is okay. Just calm down. It'll be okay. :)