View Full Version : Fear!!

01-27-2009, 03:34 PM

My fear of going to sleep/ fear of dying in my sleep is back and its worse than ever!!

Does anyone else suffer with this?

Can you give me tips on how to get over it, or make myself not scared??

Thanks x

01-28-2009, 09:48 AM

My fear of going to sleep/ fear of dying in my sleep is back and its worse than ever!!

Does anyone else suffer with this?

Can you give me tips on how to get over it, or make myself not scared??

Thanks x
When I try to sleep I start getting scard too and then my mind start racing with wierd thoughts for no apparent reason and no I don't have Bipolar disorder.Back on topic the best way to fall asleep is to experiment
with your mind while resting,try telling your self i'm not going to die over and over in your mind while resting,try to think positive thoughts only,or you could try staying up really late and getting really tierd and eventually you will fall asleep and see that you do not die so there for you can relax the next time you try to sleep because you no you want die in your sleep.
Hope this helps somewhat!

01-28-2009, 12:14 PM
I had that fear after I made a panic attack a month ago. Whenever I would go to bed, my heart would start racing and I'd start getting scared.

I was able to get rid of it by focusing on my breathing. I'd breath deep and slow (not from the top of the chest but from the bottom). After a couple days, it went off.

Good luck,