View Full Version : New here: Introduction

01-27-2006, 11:33 AM
Hi everyone. I'm new here and new to this type of computer forum. I have notbeen officially diagnosed but don't think there's any doubt that I have social anxiety disorder. I hate any type of social situation. I'm even uncompfortable with my own family when we get together for holidays when everyone is around. I have been in the Air Force for 10 years and the only person I have made friends with since enlisting is my husband. I used to drink during social situations to loosen up but I do not drink any more and whenever I'm forced into a social situation, I either volunteer to help with the work or I hide out with the children. I have read books and tried to trick myself into enjoying being around people but nothing works. i am going to seek out some professional help next week.
Thanks for listening.

01-27-2006, 11:56 PM
smyalee, wow that would be tough for me to go into the Air Force of all things with social anxiety.. you've got a lot to be proud of.. and hey, you've got a family too, thats great :)

thats great you are seeking out help. let us know how it goes :)

01-31-2006, 07:20 AM
Welcome Smyalee, like shoe said, you have so much to be proud of yourself about! The Air Force???!!! WOW! I would faint just thinking about going into the Air Force. (Or the Army or the Marines.......) That right there tells me that you are a strong person, and seeking help will help you so much. I'm proud of you!

And I wanted to say that I love your name!! How orginal! ;) Hope to see you around more in the future. Take care.

Cath :)