View Full Version : It's back!

01-22-2009, 07:47 PM

I came across this forum a couple of hours ago and thought I would sign up and meet others who experience anxiety.

My first brush with anxiety was two years ago. I lost 20 lbs in a month and felt like I was dying. I never thought I would sleep again let alone eat without gagging, or running to the bathroom several times a day. After six weeks of "wait and see" my physician started me on an SSRI and sleeping pill. It was like magic. I felt much better within a couple of days and with a couple of weeks I felt better than I had in years. There have been a few minor bumps along the way, but things escalated about three days ago. I am a prisoner in my house. It feels terrible.

I have a couple of lumps behind my ear that I need to get checked out tomorrow and it has really sent me into a tailspin. Nothing worse than health anxiety and hypersensitivity to any tiny ache or pain. I am experiencing the same symptoms as I felt before. It feels so bad that I would crawl out of my skin if I could. Coping is non-existent at the moment. I went to work out this morning and the noise and commotion of the class was way too much.

Enough rambling and feeling sorry for myself. I'll go back to my fetal position on the couch clutching my blankie.