View Full Version : Beauty Student....with anxiety.

01-21-2009, 10:26 PM
So I've been going to beauty school for the past year and I have a severe anxiety issues! My main problems are that I care too much about what people will think of me, and I don't really know how to loosen up.

When I go to school, I usually sweat like crazy while working on clients, and.....my hands get really shaky, tremor. It's really embarrassing when you have to work on somebody and then your hands start shaking like someone who has Parkinson's. I will lose the trust of new clients and worst of all, I lose confidence in myself and my abilities.

I let my anxiety take over me when I'm in a place where I have to perform. Panic Attacks...the whole shebangle

I'm wondering, Does anyone else have this issue when they must perform?

Do you have low self esteem?
Do you experience any Tremor and/or sweating?

01-22-2009, 03:07 AM
hi mizz! how frustrating this must be for you :(

just wondering if you have been to see a counsellor or therapist about your problems? it might be a good idea to look into why you have such low self esteem and to start building it up again :)

i have had similar problems to you in the past, really low self esteem because of some horrible bullies who tortured me throughout my teenage years. but i have dealt with it in therapy & have made the decision not to be a victim to those horrible people anymore.

i still have some stuff to work on, but i'm waaaaay better than i used to be! for example i'm really into classical singing, and under my teachers guidance i just signed up for to national competitions taking place here over the next couple of months! now i'm nervous about it, but my point is that a couple of years ago i wouldn't have even dreamed of doing such a thing because of the low self esteem, i would have naturally assumed i was just not good enough. so even the act of sending the form off was a huge step for me, full of joy and pride in how far i have come :)

so basically what i'm saying is that therapy is a great thing to help us deal with these kinds of issues, and you may like to look into it. you might also like to have a look at another post on the different methods of dealing with anxiety, you may find something helpful in it: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you feel better soon :)