View Full Version : I hate the way my mother is to me

01-21-2009, 04:37 PM
no other mother in the history of mothers have ever treated there child the way my mother treats me :(

02-19-2009, 02:02 AM
no other mother in the history of mothers have ever treated there child the way my mother treats me :(

Really? Does she beat you then? Does she allow strangers to abuse you? Does she starve you? I expect the answer is No !

You have a bad relationship with your mum maybe but I really think you need to get a grip on how bad it really is.

02-20-2009, 01:59 PM
my mum and dad love my sister more then me even though she is an evil cow :cry:

08-17-2009, 05:40 AM
my main problem with my mom is that she doesnt really believe in my anxiety.

all she does is tell me to toughen up and if my grandpa was alive he would be laughing at me for being weak.

it kinda hurts. especially since im doing everything i can while working 3rd shift and going to college to be okay.


09-02-2009, 08:27 AM
They are not so bad, what you are suffering from at the moment is sibling envy. Everyone gets it, its diffcult but if you just talk to your mum tell her how your feeling you will find that you will have a stronger relationship with her.
I found my relationship with my mother grew when she lefted me when i was a teenager to go to my dads with his mind screwing over talents.
he almost made me stand up in court for my mum and sending me threats when i did not doing he is a self hating drinker that likes beating up kids, he is a very nasty man.
My sister took me in and I learnt to live for myself and only my self.
after i had a heart to heart we both woke up and realised what we had.
It helps relationships with any one even family to have your own space.
I would advised to try you best to talk to you mum you will be suprised how much she loves you.

09-07-2009, 06:05 AM
that you will come to know about their love for you.
I am 110% sure about it because that is exactly what happened to me.
I always felt that my mom didn't hate me and she was quite liberal in expressing "not so fond of" feeling of her's towards me.
But whenever I get hurt its her who feel the pain.

09-07-2009, 12:37 PM
Talk to her about your feelings.
Mom is one person who could have understood you when you were not even able to speak.
Communicating about a problem is the best way out of it.