View Full Version : Help with anxiety attacks

01-19-2009, 02:31 PM
Well I have been having lots of trouble for the past few years. About 3 years ago I started having problems with dizzyness, and we went to the doctor. After a few test and a trip to the neurologist they decided that I was getting migranes and perscribed me some gabapenton (sp?) It did seem to take the head aches away and most of the dizzyness but not all. I got dizzy at random, and had feelings of derealization, like things were far away. Non of this was really effecting me other then missing school and hating the dizzy spells. Well this went on for a few years with light feelings of dizzyness, but nothing disabling. Then last year I started feeling some anxiety, espically at night. For example I would be at a stop light at night and I would feel extremly on edge. I realized I was feeling this because of the thought that it wasn't socially acceptable to just drive through the light. I was forced to stay there with no way out, people behind and on the side of me, like I was trapped waiting for the light to turn green. This doesn't really happen during the day time though. Things also started to occur at school assemblies and in certain classes. At the assemblies I would feel like I was trapped, sitting up in the stands, no way out. In class it would be the same way. If I started to feel on edge or bad I couldn't just get up and walk out, because my mind is telling me that's not socially acceptable, i'm trapped and must stay. The feelings in the class room amplify when my teacher is lecturing, but as soon as we get a worksheet or get to work on our own i'm fine. It's not in every class, mainly my British Literature class and Astronomy 2. Since it really hits during British Literature and that is my last class of the day I have been skipping. It's not a huge deal because i'm a senior and have already been accepted to college, but I want to go to class. But if I have the opportunity to leave and have a relaxing rest of the day or go to class and be on edge almost the whole time, of course i'm going to leave.

I don't have any problems at work or when i'm at home, alone or with company, but I do have some problems when i'm out at dinner or with a large group of people. Just the other night I went to see a movie with 2 other friends. The movie got out at 12:30 am and we walked out to our cars. We were parked in the middle of the parking lot and when walking over there I started to feel real on edge, but when I go to my car I was back to normal. Strange thing is this never happens when it's just me walking to my car, only when I am with other people. Last night I went out to dinner with 2 other friends and I felt very strange when I sat down. Feeling uneasy and on edge, but after we started talking I got used to it and I felt normal towards the end of the meal.

Ok well now that i've described all my feelings I was wondering what I should do about this. Should I go talk to my doctor? I never used to be like this until I started getting the dizzyness and migranes. I used to be a much more social and relaxed person, and now i'm on edge, feeling that in certain situations there is no way out, nothing is socially acceptable, but i'm still social and have lots of friends, but these anxiety or panic attacks during school are really pissing me off and it seems like there is nothing I can do to convince myself that there is nothing wrong and I used to be normal in these situations just a few years ago. What should I do?