View Full Version : Sleeping Problems

01-19-2009, 04:32 AM
Seems like ever since i've had anxiety and depression trouble, i've had dreadful sleeping problems. It kind of goes like this: I'm in a normal sleeping pattern, going to bed around 10 and waking up at 6. One day i sleep in accidentially and my patterns become out of wack. I can't get to sleep until maybe 2-3am i wake up later and later and later in the day. Soon i get to the point where i wake at 3-4pm. I can never force myself to sleep when i'm not tired. I lay in bed and just think, think, think, and toss 'n turn. The only way i'm able to get my patterns back in order is do an all-nighter. I used to do all-nighters without a problem, but ever since my anxiety started acting up, i'm very feared of going without sleep. I'll feel extremely lightheaded throughout the day and just have this overall sick feeling non-stop. Then when i actually have a panic attack, i feel like i will pass out for sure if i don't lay myself down and rest. Which in turn doesn't fix my sleeping pattern.

01-20-2009, 11:54 AM
Seems like ever since i've had anxiety and depression trouble, i've had dreadful sleeping problems. It kind of goes like this: I'm in a normal sleeping pattern, going to bed around 10 and waking up at 6. One day i sleep in accidentially and my patterns become out of wack. I can't get to sleep until maybe 2-3am i wake up later and later and later in the day. Soon i get to the point where i wake at 3-4pm. I can never force myself to sleep when i'm not tired. I lay in bed and just think, think, think, and toss 'n turn. The only way i'm able to get my patterns back in order is do an all-nighter. I used to do all-nighters without a problem, but ever since my anxiety started acting up, i'm very feared of going without sleep. I'll feel extremely lightheaded throughout the day and just have this overall sick feeling non-stop. Then when i actually have a panic attack, i feel like i will pass out for sure if i don't lay myself down and rest. Which in turn doesn't fix my sleeping pattern.

I'm suffering this right now. It started on Sunday night where I was tired and could not sleep. I went to bed around 1am and woke up at 4 am and was awake the rest of the day. With me I lay in bed and these feeling come over my body and I can't relax, almost like an internal shaking. The Doctor gave me xannax to take which knocks me out. Last night I took one around 8, but telemarketers kept calling and waking me up. I finally slept till about 1:00am and woke up hungry (Had not eaten all day) so I ate and tried to sleep some more. No good. Up all night. Took my next xannax at 8am and slept another 4 hours. I lost a day of work today because I was so exhausted.

01-21-2009, 09:19 PM
i feel you guys i had this same kind of feeling 2 weeks ago... and lasted for almost a week... well as for me i dont take meds... cause i dont want to depend on it.. and i suggest you try to take Valerian Tea an hour before you sleep... or take a warm bath and drink a warm glass of milk... when i started this i went back to my normal sleeping habit... but the worries havent been taken away... ^_^ try it im sure this will help... Good luck and God bless you guys!

01-22-2009, 06:07 PM
Try exercising and other sleep routine tricks. Besides anxiety, sleeping well itself can be an artform all itself. I really want to emphasize the exercise because it can be a big contributor to healthy sleep. Also, make sure you are eating a healthy diet that does not include processed foods and avoid caffeine/alcohol. Go to bed the same time, and use your bed only for sleeping (do not read or watch TV in it). Keep doing that and work on your anxiety and it should get better in the long run!

01-23-2009, 03:11 PM
and use your bed only for sleeping (do not read or watch TV in it).

I wouldn't get TOO caught up with stuff like this. Back when my anxiety problem was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse and I had SERIOUS problems with sleep, I felt like I had to give up my longtime routine of going online in bed with my laptop before sleeping. But this never helped me sleep. And it just felt more like I was being denied something than anything else. I also got that feeling like it was something I had to do because of my 'problem', which tends to be counterproductive. So when it comes to this kind of stuff, you can always try it. But if you get that nasty feeling like it is something you MUST do, and it isn't really helping anyway, don't feel like you have to stick with it just because someone says you have to.