View Full Version : Doc recommonds a BETA BLOCKER for my stress! Help

01-17-2009, 10:48 AM
My doctor wants to put me on a beta blocker for this "panic" feeling and rapid and heavy heartbeat I have every day. I had explained to him that I am experiencing some very stressful things happening in my life and I am constantly feel nervous and anxious. I am very very concerned about taking anything that affects your heart beat and though he would put me on something for "anxiety" as again I am having some issues regarding a court case and financial problems right now. He also wants me to see an endocrinologist because my norepinephrine levels are incredibly high which is causing the rapid heart beat....Please help. I am afraid to take this medication.

01-17-2009, 01:59 PM
I was prescribed a beta blocker at first as well. But the difference is my tests came back normal, if yours has high levels of w/e makes your heart beat faster then i would suggest doing as the doc said and take the beta blocker.

It wasnt too bad taking them, though i did notice that i got dizzy and whatnot about an hour after taking them, it did keep my heartrate down and my BP down. Also makes you tired.

01-17-2009, 05:58 PM
I am just nervous about anything that makes my heart rate slower, actually really scared about it. What I am confused about is that I am having a very stressful time right now in my life and wonder why he can't just prescribe something for my anxiety. I am concerned about starting the Labatolol and then stopping it if the endocrinologist says something else, as I heard that stopping labatolol can be problamatic. How hard was it for you when you stopped if you stopped?

01-17-2009, 06:18 PM
I was only on it for about a month, and i stopped 4 days ago? I was on metopralol

I notice i'm not quite as light headed//dizzy, but when i wake up and get up from rest, i notice my heart beats alot faster and harder than normal (this though is probably from me having a very poor diet and eating very little cuz of my panic attacks)

So, i would again suggest following your doc's orders.

At complete rest without being anxious i usually have a very (60 ish) slow heart rate, and i didnt notice it slow me down below that. you'll just mainly feel tired and lightheaded and dizzy.

Hope this helps.