View Full Version : Pins and Needle Sensation whats the Cause?

01-15-2009, 10:32 PM
for the past 3 years im feeling like there something itchy all over my body... like there is something piercing me all over... but in a few minutes it will go off.... and now that im anxious about it it bugs me every time i go upstairs and exert too much effort on something... whats the problem??? are there any Meds or therapeutic ways to manage this... im 220 lbs. i was 170 3years ago... and i often go to the gym by that time... and now im planning to go back again... cause of my weight... please help? im also suffering anxiety cant sleep good at night... i often wake up 3am and try to go back to sleep but i cant.... sorry for the wrong grammar im not that good in english... tnx! Please Help... God Bless you guys! :cry:

01-16-2009, 04:35 AM
I don't know that anyone an actually tell you precisely why this happens to yo. But keep in mind that it is a VERY common anxiety symptom. And, as such, it is harmless. After all, if it really was harmul, something bad probably would have happened by now. SO, just look at it like any other anxiety symptom, and learn to accept it. As you learn to accept it, you will stress less over it. And it will decrease with your overall level of anxiety. Apply the same kind of acceptance to all other anxiety symptoms as well.

01-16-2009, 09:37 AM
I get that pins and needles/tingling sensation from time-to-time that you are talking about, and I think that for me it is just a really extreme period of anxiety (it sounds like it might be different for you). Perhaps seeing a doctor or doing some research online would be a good idea. If you want better sleep, here are some tips that I have read in various places:

1. try to go to bed/wake up the same time every day
2. only use your bed for sleeping, not watching TV or whatever
3. get exercise (this is probably the biggest one about 20 mins 3 times per week is recommended)
4. eat healthy
5. if you'd like, try taking melatonin pills (they can be found by herbal supplements in your local store). Melatonin is the chemical our brain uses that helps us to sleep. It actually made my sleep worse, so I am just throwing it out as an idea, not something that needs to be done.

01-16-2009, 05:40 PM
ic tnx guys... i never thought that i have already an anxiety for the past few years... its just that it thoroughly triggered this 2008 tnx guys maybe ill just do things what i supposed to do before... and maybe or it will surely go off... if my memory serves me right i felt this PNS(pins and needles sensation) the day after i drank alcohol... maybe alcohol is not really good when your a person dealing with anxiety^_^ lol... tnx for the fact bout sleeping dude... God Bless you