View Full Version : Anxiety Question

01-14-2009, 10:23 PM
So, I've had it on and off since i was young. This time it was brought on by a great deal of stress and mental exertion with school, work and in general. I just had a question; it seems like a lot of people when they say they have anxiety, have some sort of anxiety attack then it's gone after the attack ends. They may have another attack the next day, but it's not really all-day anxiety. For me, I don't really have attacks exactly, it's more when the anxiety kicks in it's just constant anxiety with waves of intensity. But basically all day every day my heart will be pounding and with some varying level of fear. Does anyone have it like that, or do most people?

The most aggravating thing is that I can't sleep at night, and not getting sleep just makes it worse the next day. :(

01-15-2009, 04:46 AM
hi liz, i know exactly what you're talking about, i went through several weeks of this when my anxiety was at its worst. i feel a low level of anxiety most of the day and then sometimes it got really extreme, i even spent a week or two in a really extreme paniked state where i really thought i was going crazy and i felt panic all the time :(

fortunately that's in the past for me now, so i know it's possible to get better. i wrote a big post about all the things that helped me out and pulled me through the anxiety, you might like to take a look at it: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

hope this helps :)

01-15-2009, 10:51 AM
Hi there,
Thanks a lot for the link to your other post - very informative and helpful :) I am going to try some of the natural sleep remedies and of course cut caffeine out of my diet and make sure I'm eating healthy and enough. Anxiety always cuts my appetite so it can be hard.

I actually went through months of constant anxiety in 2005...I too had a couple weeks of the panic mode thing. I finally got through it then now having a recurrence, luckily it's not nearly as bad as before

Anyway thanks again!

01-15-2009, 02:58 PM
Yes, I have had a similar experience with anxiety. I get it consistently, and sometimes I get waves of it, but I really do not experience the attacks other people talk about it. Anxiety is slightly different for everyone, just like anything else.

The post is excellent. I just skimmed it, but I'm not sure if it mentioned medication or not. Medication can be helpful, but also harmful, so you have to watch it. For me, 10mg of Lexapro each day have helped to take the edge off of my anxiety without any adverse effects.

But yes, I independently arrived at the same conclusions as northstar's post and would have to agree that if you follow that post you will recover from anxiety.

01-19-2009, 07:17 PM
my anxiety is fairly consistent; in fact, i've been keeping track it for about 2-3 years (runs like clockwork, almost)
i may have 2-3 days of reprieve, and that's it.
but certain days in a cycle, up the anxiety goes.
i even know when to expect migraines.

just started taking b complex, after reading the suggestion here.
and started back on my paxil
i know one thing.
i'm really sick of this crap.
anyone who's had this for 30 years HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO SURVIVE!?!?!?