View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this..?!?

01-14-2009, 06:34 PM
Sometimes when i'm in a social situation i will be in a conversation but then i will start thinking about my anxiety.. and then that's all i can think about.. so instead of paying attention to the conversation i am having with someone, i start paying more attention to my anxiety and i try and act not anxious.. but in turn i just end up acting anxious because i am trying to not act anxious?! ahh it's hard to explain.. does anyone know what i mean?

01-14-2009, 07:46 PM
I know exactly what you mean, your worry so much about having an anxiety attack in front of some the next thing you know you are doing exactly what you were afraid of.

01-14-2009, 07:58 PM
exactly!... i think about it and think about.. and even when i try and think about something else it somehow creeps its way into my head

01-14-2009, 08:27 PM
Oh I have a really embarrasing one.

I will forget my name and my phone number if voice mail tells me to begin recording!

I need to put a card in my wallet to remind me on days like these.

01-21-2009, 10:02 PM
I feel like this as well...anyone have remedies ?

01-22-2009, 03:51 AM
Oh man, have I been there.

This started for me in a work meeting. I got so nervous, the panic overtook my thoughts and I completely forgot what I was saying. I had to throw my hands in the air, apologize and say 'I totally forgot what I was saying'. The embarrassment caused a fear of it happening again, which turned it into a recurring problem, to the point where I would leave the room before it was my turn to speak, in a complete state of panic. I started popping Valium before each meeting, just to make it through:(

This went on for months. I finally overcame it by forcing myself to participate (without the use of Valium). Enough repetition cured the worst of it. I still experience this from time to time, but I'm able to deal with it like this:

1. Someone asks me a question.
2. I start to respond but realize I'm nervous/anxious.
3. I quickly fear I will forget what I'm saying.
4. As quickly as the fear comes, I ignore it by finding the right words to answer.
5. However, sometimes I CAN'T find the right words, so I panic again.
6. I repeat step 4, like a rapid cycle.

For me, this is all about speed. The quicker I can shift my focus by concentrating on making my point, the more I prevent panic from taking control. This might have me speaking slowly, or not getting my point across as well as I'd like, but at least I went for it. I didn't let the anxiety beat me. And the more I do this, the more confident I feel in the same situation later.

Another thing that helps me is to 'break the ice'. If I go into a 'serious' meeting, I try to lighten it up with some humor. Usually gets my mind relaxed into the conversation.

Hope that helps;)


01-22-2009, 12:48 PM
I feel that way every time that I am in a social situation. I get so nervous that I end up messing up anyway and triggering an anxiety attack anyhow. What do you do to control it?