View Full Version : Bad day question

01-14-2009, 05:31 PM
Today I had my first anxiety attack in about 3-4 months since having been diagnosed with GAD and being prescibed Lexapro. Before being Diagnosed the anxiety attacks occorred on a regular basis for as long as I can remember and I'm 43 years old. I always thought myself a freak for not being able to handle things like normal people.

Todays attack came on strong and I'm not even sure what set me off, I just wanted to shut down and run for home, I was visably shaking and really was fighting the urge to throwup, somehow I managed to pull it together and make the day, just barely.

My question is do these relapses happen often and did it seem so strong because I have become accustom to being "normal" or what?

I really do not want to go back to being a basketcase, anyone gone through this?

01-14-2009, 05:39 PM
Yes, for the past 10 years. It is not as severe as it was before however, my anxiety is related to my stress level. If I have too much on my plate and I don't make a conscious effort to balance things (prioritize), then WHAM... someone could drop a glass plate and it takes me 10 minutes to settle down.

I don't exactly feel the urge to throw up. My anxiety tends to make me feel like I'm having a heart attack, thoughts race, and I see stars. I can prolong the onset and save it for later in the evening. It just seems better to let the attack progress and I feel better afterwards though.

My triggers change so I try to keep a journal of when it happens, what was my initial thoughts, or what's on my plate.

01-14-2009, 05:49 PM
Keeping a journal is a great idea! Eventually, you will realize a pattern and figure out what the heck it is that is causing these anxiety attacks. Then you'll smack yourself on the head and be like "Duh, why didn't I see that before?"

I'd also like to let you know from personal experience that anxiety can and will get better if you continue to work on it. I have used a multifacted approach including healthy dieting, exercise, 3 months of counseling, 10mg of Lexapro, support from friends and family, and finally I continue to challenge myself to reduce anxiety and gain confidence in different situations that give me trouble.

I used to suffer from anxiety attacks where I would be totally consumed with anxiety for 1-2 days on end, and I haven't had one of those in months. You can and will get better if you continue to work at a plan that is right for you. If you need further advice, PM me or reply to this post.