View Full Version : Anxiety lasting forever it seems....

01-14-2009, 01:53 PM
Ive been dealing with this beast for 13 years now. I had medication that worked famously for me, but ended up overdosed on it due to a Dr who didnt know what he was doing, and can no longer take an SSRI (Seratonin Symndrome).
Xanax works great, but man, I need to stay awake, I am a mom after all!

My question is this, does anyone else have Anxiety Panic that lasts for up to 8 weeks at a time? Then it goes away for months on end and when I think Im all good, WHAMMO! Its back.

I start CBT tomorrow with Biofeedback. THANK GOODNESS! Anyone else have good results with this? Im putting my heart into it so I can get better finally! (I know I know, Ill have the anxiety all my life, but I can pray!)


01-15-2009, 04:48 AM
hi missy :) you might like to take a look at this thread, it's got lots of info on how you can help with the anxiety: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

if may also help to look at the patterns around the anxiety in your life, whats going on for you when it returns? is it usually around really stressfull patches??