View Full Version : Anxiety?

01-13-2009, 12:00 AM
Hey, for about 3 months, I randomly get tense and jumpy and feel really sick to my stomach.. I always feel as if something bad is going to happen... Sometimes I think it might not be Anxiety sence a couple of times right when I feel sick the phone rings and something really bad HAS happened.. It really worrys me. Sometimes I think someone in my family is going to die.. Sometimes I worry about stupid things like aliens.. *Probably because I research them alot* either way it really scares me. Sometimes I forget to do something and start thinking "Oh no! Now that I left that toy on the ground someone will slip and fall down the stairs!" or "OH ****! I left the dish washer open! The cat will climb in and someone will close the door on it!" could this be anxiety? Or just normal thoughts for pre-teens... I don't want to tell my mom because I don't want to worry her.. So before I mention it I'd like to be atleast 50% sure I have Anxiety. A couple other members in my family have had it/have it. I don't know if it can be passed on or not. Oh. I also get chills and start trembling alot. Please help.

Thank you for reading.