View Full Version : abruptly switching from xanax to klonapin / clonazepam

01-12-2009, 06:31 AM
Hi, ive had a long term neurological problem since i was 19, im now 34, anxiety and panic set in around 6 years ago - ive been on xanax for the last 5 of them . 1 mg - 1.25 mg a day, A doctor is telling me to stop taking the xanax and literally replace it with klonapin (clonazepam), ive read of the seizures etc that can be caused by abruptly stopping xanax and if anyone is going to have one im guessing its me, even though i am using another benzo - and its only day 1 of me starting - i feel as though there will be a backlash from simply cutting out the xanax all together after such long term abuse..

any input appreciated.

01-17-2009, 05:25 PM
Personally I don't think abruptly switching is wise. My doc wanted me to do the same thing with the very same drugs, but in the opposite order. After a little research I'm glad I didn't. Anyway, check out this link. I found the info on benzo's very helpful.

w w w . benzo . org . uk / manual / index.htm

01-25-2009, 07:29 PM
Well, I'm sure your doctor knows what he/she is talking about but maybe ask if you could slowly ween yourself off. I wouldn't worry about seizures because it usually happens to people who have been taking large amounts of xanax. To ease your anxiety, check out the show Sober House on VH1. You'll be like, "Woah! They take that much stuff and haven't had a seizure!!!?!?!?" This one girl took, I'd guess 50 different pills a day (xanax, pain killers and everything in between) for years and years and was put on a detox with Dr. Drew. She did throw up a few times but made it out in the end.

Take care