View Full Version : Constant anxiety

01-11-2009, 06:16 AM
Ever since my 2 surgeries last month, my anxiety has became worse. I don't even have to think of anything, I wake up anxious. It's that feeling in my stomach, mostly, then as soon as I think of things, I get almost a panic attack. Meds don't help much, so I had to turn to self=medication.

I cannot see my psychiatrist at least for 5 more days, if I can get the earlier appointment.

I have an appt. with my surgeon tomorrow, probably need more surgery.

But that is not the cause of my anxiety., it could aggravate it, but not be the cause, because I had anxiety even before I found out I may need more surgery.

I am wondering if I should admit myself to a mental hospital so maybe I can get care sooner?

01-11-2009, 03:22 PM
Sorry to be so nosey-but what was the surgery?
And as a matter of interest, whats your diet like??
That inner tension feeling that just wont go away can be linked to a higher need for B vitamins and many other nutritional factors..
Your diet could be playing a far larger role than you think..

01-11-2009, 03:49 PM
Hernia. Those are the surgeries. I am on a diet, and lost 140 pounds so far.

Did not know B-Vitamins had to do with anxiety.

01-12-2009, 03:27 AM
hi mark, giz is right to guide you toward B vitamins, they are very important to keep our nervous system happy - they help to relieve stress, and when we are stressed & anxious we burn through them very quickly so it is a good idea to make sure that you are getting enough through diet and supplementation. it is possible with all the stress of the hernia surgeries and the anxiety combined that you are a little low on the nutrients and vitmains like the B vitamins that we need to feel normal, so it may be a good idea for you to take a good quality multi-vitamin supplement or B vitamin complex.

if you are on a specialised diet for your surgeries then it's probably best not to mess with it, but just make sure that you are eating to keep your blood sugars balanced - so make sure that you are eating regularly & not having any excesses of irritants & stimulants like coffee, tea, coke & sodas, alcohol, sugar, refined & processed foods (like white breads, fries, cakes, biscuits etc.). all of these things can make anxiety worse or can actually be a source of anxiety. if you're waking up in the morning and are anxious straight away then this can be a sign of low blood sugar - low blood sugar can cause all kinds of problems like anxiety, panic, shaking, sweating, headaches, mood swings, etc. the best way to solve it is to have a good wholesome breakfast as soon as you can when you wake up - i eat a boiled egg with some wholemeal toast most mornings and it really sets me up for the day :)

talking to your psychiatrist is certainly a good idea, but there are also lots of things that you can work on to help yourself with the anxiety, if you'd like to know more then please take a look at this other post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i really hope you get a break soon, it's not easy feeling constantly anxious i know :console:

01-12-2009, 11:51 AM
At all costs! Mental hospitals are the last line of defense between jail or death, for most people. They are depressing, have poor living conditions, and the patients are treated like animals. A better option would be to see a counselor, if you have the money. A skilled counselor can guide you through your situation, and most certainly could help with the anxiety. If that option is too expensive, ask for "sliding scale" counseling - there are always such counselors in any area. Finally, remember there is no shame in asking for help; everyone needs it at some time in their lives. A counselor can help you make a complete 180 and turn your life in the right direction, so at least give it a try!

01-12-2009, 03:36 PM
It may also be worth noting that for surgeries where you are put under a general anesthetic, the anesthetic itself can induce some pretty mad feelings just by itself..
I have seen several people go into a deep depression or very unrested/anxious state after waking up from surgery.. And it can last for quite some time if you arent giving your body all the things it needs to repair itself.

So, B vitamins for getting your energy levels and mood up, anti oxidants (vit A, C, E, Co Enzyme Q10, Zinc, and Selenium as well as some other things like bioflavinoids etc) to clean up any damages done by the drugs/environment-and to boost your immunity, and plenty of water and fresh air to keep yourself hydrated and oxygenated!

And yes, one of the symptoms that you are low on B vitamins is anxiety.
Other symptoms are things like feeling unreal, hearing your own thoughts, feeling tired all the time, having a strange inner "driven" feeling.. Many of these things are also symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders..

Its important to be sure that you are getting well nourished before you turn to drugs-as the drugs only deal with the symptoms and not the underlying cause-which when left unchecked can lead to other problems, like deficiency diseases. Medication wont help with them!! So-as Northstar said, if you have been given a specific diet, then maybe its best to not mess with it, but supplementation would only serve to boost your levels of these important building blocks of life.

Just make sure any supplements you take are of food quality. The best way to do this is to check the type of vitamin E used in a supplement. If the ingredients list their vitamin E as anything other than d-alpha-tocopherol then dont buy it.
This includes if it says its "dl-alpha-tocopherol", or "Vitamin E as prep". Vitamin E is the most expensive vitamin to produce in its food form-so if the vitamin is of inferior quality-this is the one they are going to skimp on.

Sadly its not your docs job to keep you healthy-thats your job. Its the doctors job to try fix you when you are broken. So take good care of yourself, get adequate nourishment, exercise and rest - then the rest will fall into place. Promise :)

01-14-2009, 05:27 AM
At all costs! Mental hospitals are the last line of defense between jail or death, for most people. They are depressing, have poor living conditions, and the patients are treated like animals.

Exactly! A mental hospital will give you EVERYTHING you need to make sure you NEVER recover from your anxiety.

01-15-2009, 01:46 AM
I went to a nice one one time.

02-11-2009, 05:34 AM
I don't know if the supplements are working, but my anxiety is not as bad as it was, but still have it, plus my depression seems worse at times.