View Full Version : Zoloft and Pot??

01-09-2009, 10:49 AM
I have smoked pot for about a year now, and was just recently prescribed zoloft for anxiety. I was wondering if anyone has experienced adverse reactions to the mixtures of the two drugs. I am for sure slowing down my usage of marijuana but i do not want to quit, because i fear that withdrawal symptoms will increase my anxiety, plus it helps suppress the side-affects of zoloft (i.e. nausea.)

01-09-2009, 01:59 PM
hi fej, i don't know anything about mixing these two drugs, but you might want to be aware of the fact that pot can actually cause panic and anxiety problems - you might want to try cutting it out to see if it helps. it's really not advised for anxiety sufferers to use it at all.

01-09-2009, 04:23 PM
hi fej, i don't know anything about mixing these two drugs, but you might want to be aware of the fact that pot can actually cause panic and anxiety problems - you might want to try cutting it out to see if it helps. it's really not advised for anxiety sufferers to use it at all.

Despite marijuana's reputation of being a drug to help you 'chill out', it is DEFINITELY true that it can cause/exacerbate anxiety/panic. So I would say to cut it out as well. In fact, if you have not already started taking zoloft (or just started taking it), I think it might be best to try to cut out the pot AND forgo the zoloft. You just might find that doing this alone helps ALOT with your anxiety. And you will avoid any of the possible pitfalls associated with zoloft.

01-09-2009, 09:12 PM
I have taken Zoloft, and smoked pot at the same time. I haven't had any side effects. The Zoloft worked for me for years, until I gained an independence to it (200mg) and was unable to take it anymore.

01-12-2009, 04:23 PM
alrighty i have stopped smoking a few days and feel less anxious thanks for the help, i figured that smoking can cause anxiety, im getting used to the meds so i gained my appetite back for the most part