View Full Version : New here...

01-25-2006, 05:24 AM
Hi, my name is Kevin.

Basically I'm just here because I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of my anxiety. I will give you the low-down:

I was a heavy Marijuana user for about 5 years, when suddenly if I smoked the amount of dope I normally would I would start having extreme anxiety (felt scared, paranoid, and felt weak and defenseless). It got worse, I didn't stop smoking pot, and while high I began having "panic attacks", where I would think I was having a heart attack, dying, that nothing was/is real, and I thought "what would happen if I (insert worse possible thing to do in the particular situation, such as drive my truck off a bridge)". I also started dwelling on death, asking the questions for which there are no known answers, which gave me even more fears, anxiety, and depression. After smoking pot, I would also find the need to hurt myself just so I could feel pain, and pain would make me feel "real" in a sense. I would also try to make myself vomit, as vomiting also had this effect of "realism" and would take my mind off of my anxiety/panic attacks long enough for me to be able to breath for a few moments.

So anyways, I stopped smoking pot, but I found even while sober I began feeling dizzy and have a false sense of reality (even to this date I still do). The attacks were getting worse and worse until I did some reading on the internet and realized that I have a problem, an anxiety and panic disorder problem. So far the only things that help are if I watch something I find funny, or I fill my head with so many thoughts I can't possibly think about my disorder therefore avoiding another panic attack. Sometimes the attacks come out of the blue, and I can't control them and I feel like I'm going to die, I think about death, I feel like I'm having a heart attack and I can't breath and I have no idea how I'm breathing or how I control my bodily functions which sends me even deeper into a panic attack.

I've gone to the hospital and got medication; Zoloft (which I should be taking regularly, and I haven't even taken 1 pill of it because I'm afraid to) and Lorazepam (which I've only taken a few times before, because I find it makes my chest/heart feel weird, and doesn't really help that much). So I have stopped taking the medications, the only things I find that help are heavy drinking (when I'm drunk I NEVER have panic attacks, and very little anxiety) and when I'm laughing at something or something grabs my complete attention. Music also helps my anxiety while I'm listening to it loud.

Now I read that computers can be a large contributor to anxiety and whatnot, so I'm going to try and stay away from my computer/TV for a while, and if I notice it's making a big difference I may be doing further research into this. I've already read several threads in this forum, but if anyone here identifies with the problems I'm having and can suggest a solution or a "cure" then PLEASE HELP ME. I AM SICK OF LIVING THIS WAY AND I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN TAKE IT!

Thank you for your time,

01-25-2006, 10:13 PM
hey man whats goin on names eric i'm in the same boat smoked pot heavily for 6yrs to control my anxiety and last june after feeling lovely all that time the pot turned on me and did the same thing i was on vaca in vermont some good sticky and i had a full blown panic attack i forgot who i was i was confuse lost nothing seemed real which is called derealization or depersonalization freaky ass shit ever since then been struggling never cut myself or anythin i know nothing feels real but thats all it is a feeling your not really in a dream or anythin u know whats real and the more you fight it the worse it gets you just gotta accept once you do that it gets better i would freak out so bad and make it worse i still have it a little bit but i accepted it i know what real and whats not just gotta tell yourself that it'll pass i know all about the crazy what if thoughts to thats my biggest anxiety factor anythin from disease to death which freaking sucks i'm a chill person and i'm afraid of hurting somebody now because "WHAT IF" i freak out you'll notice everything starts with what if but you know yourself and hurting yourself ain't the way man i'm 6months sobergoing stronger just started therapy works man defentily get in to see a doctor

the meds man again right there with ya i was so afraid to take my pills at first all the side effects you gotta give them a chance to work you just gotta tell yourself these are gonna help me and if they don't you'll know quickly and you can try something else its all about wanting to get better i'm fighting strong everydays a battle but you push through knowing there so much to life family friends woman sports anything your into you gotta keep that going through your head constantly you got things to fight for don't forget that

the best things i do to try and help is to slow your breathing down saying relax then close your eyes picture somethin your anxiety could be a monster anythin then make it bigger and smaller in your head then make it so small you could pick it up and throw it away also say to yourself outloud hey man this just anxiety it ain't gonna kill its just fear whats there really to be scared if anything anxiety should be scared of me

well hope you keep on trooping i know you can make through i'm getting there you can to take it easy man and don't be so hard on yourself keep fightin the good fight