View Full Version : Persistent and unwanted attention from a troll, in Western Australia...

11-19-2022, 08:53 PM
https://media1.giphy.com/media/3og0ILLVvPp8d64Jd6/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e475qvy7uftup2t5jf9ihdjgh5ke382 2x81zt3jmej0&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

11-20-2022, 09:27 AM

There's this idiotic 36-year-old creepy moron called James Berich or James Mitchell from Perth, who I knew as an admin from forums about Capcom's video games, and who continues to stalk and abuse me all the time online. I'm aware it's him behind the abuse, as he left a trail, so I knew it was him because of his old user ID, IP address logs, and some photos, as well as his previous association with survival horror related video game franchises, and everything. This is how I came across him on Twitter... Every month since about July of 2017, he has been bugging me on different forums, although mostly unmoderated ones, and searching for me on YouTube, and wikis on a daily basis, then showing up with various profiles and calling me or other users derogatory names, editing the same wiki articles to be tagged to them, impersonating me, and acting variably sinister or dumb depending on his mood. He has also been talking about personal matters that don't involve this guy, saying sick things about my family, editing my filmography pages on movie databases, and saying I suck at acting, just to be spiteful, and then stealing my YouTube content, contacting producers, and whatnot. He knows me under the name "thesaunderschild" and other pseudonyms. A year ago, I was posting on an anxiety site with some other regular members, minding our own business. Then he came and spammed it up. No admin or moderator has logged in on it for several years, so I have no idea why it's still around. But it ain't even the first time this behaviour has occurred. And I even asked a few Aussies on this site to report him, as I gathered the cops may have done something about it quicker if an actual Australian citizen had issued a complaint on my behalf. Although low and behold, they sat back and did nothing. He has many accounts on there, and yet he denies he is responsible for flooding it with his utter crap. Has my address and full name posted everywhere with sock puppets, too. I've even called the police overseas to report him and my local police force were updated about what has happened, but I'm in Scotland. They don't even so much as warn him. Many site owners have been informed about his bizarre nonsense, but most of these jackasses in charge would rather not get involved, so they allow it to go on. Would I be able to hire a solicitor in Australia, even though I reside in the UK? He's very annoying, and rather weird. It's about time he was dealt with, though.

And breathe!
Peter should really heed its own advice:

Your awful grammar is about as shit filled as your brain is, James. Can you maybe start typing slower when you obsessively come on here to submit your pungent, malevolent drivel?

You should take your time when you compose such lame pish, since it's not like you have anything else worthwhile to be doing anyway.