View Full Version : Lightheaded when sitting, among other things

01-08-2009, 02:16 PM
For the past few weeks I've noticed that I've been getting really lightheaded, especially after a meal and it occurs when I sit down - happens most often in class. The thing is, when I'm talking to someone or when I'm active (i.e. walking, working out) I feel fine, it's when I'm inactive that the lightheadedness gets noticeable. I also get tension headaches sometimes, and they can be anywhere on my head, but are usually on the right front. Tylenol usually resolves the headaches. I have postnasal drip and some pain AROUND my ears every once in a while, though it's not as bad as it was. It's seldom, but I'll also see "floaters" once ina while too (maybe once a week at most). Sometimes I can also hear a ringing in my ears, although that's also seldom, and I do tend to play my music loudly. I've also had a ton of anxiety lately, with some IBS in the mix, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. What I have noticed, though, is that when I consume less sugar the lightheadedness isn't quite as bad (I tried a different breakfast this morning and noticed a difference). No vomiting, no swollen lymph nodes, no fever, no migraines, no vertigo, no memory loss or personality change that I'm aware of, when my headaches occur they do later in the day, and I don't seem to have any vision problems either. So what's wrong with me? Is this just anxiety? The weird thing is, some of my symptoms arise even when I'm not feeling stressed.

01-08-2009, 03:43 PM
I cant diagnose you but there was one thing you mentioned that does sound bells..

One of the most common nutritional causes for mental health disorders (including anxiety) is a blood sugar imbalance..
Its very common, and if left unchecked can lead onto more serious things.. But the fact is, youve noticed it for yourself now, so you have the chance to resolve it before it progresses.
And diet is the only way to fix it, dont be fooled into thinking a drug will do it for you.

So you noticed that removing sugars resolved the problem. Usually when one feels lightheaded or dizzy upon standing up it is attributed to a drop in blood sugar or pressure. If you are getting it even while sitting, the blood sugar sounds more like the culprit.

This is most likely a side effect of the levels of blood sugar rising and plummeting, as is the case with refined sugar consumption-interestingly you mention that you get this after eating-do find that you feel drowsy after a heavy meal? As this is also a symptom of blood sugar imbalance.

Its easy enough to change the diet to accommodate maintaining steady glucose levels-and the pleasant side effect is balancing weight!

Cut "white" foods, (white pasta, bread, rice, etc) out of the diet.
Cut out foods full of sugar
Replace them with; "Whole" foods, and fruit/veg, seeds or nuts.
And get a good natural sourced multivitamin with plenty of B vitamins (at least 50mg of Niacin & Pyridoxine) Magnesium and Chromium. As well as 2x1000mg Vitamin C in between meals. (Break up the dosage)

The added side effects of increased levels of B Vitamins & Magnesium are their beneficial effect on Anxiety levels, while the chromium aids in blood sugar balance and the vitamin C boosts immune function along with many other positive effects.

There is one not so positive side effect (although this entirely depends on your perspective) It will turn your urine bright yellow. This is due to the Riboflavin, which is Vitamin B2, its nothing to be concerned about-but may come as a shock when passing fluid!

Heres to resolving your problem, but in reality-you had it figured out yourself before you came on here. :)