View Full Version : Ghandi was anxious!

01-08-2009, 01:45 PM
Hey everyone-

If you're feeling down in the dumps today, remember that everyone has had struggles, even the greatest of our world's leaders! By all accounts, Ghandi was shy (socially anxious) from youth and on into adulthood. Read at this link http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=gandhi or even just google "Ghandi was shy" and any source will tell you that Ghandi was shy. What this means is that if one of the greatest of our world's leaders was afraid to be in front of people, then what do average joe's like us have to feel so bad for? The answer is that we do not need to feel bad, and that everyone has struggles which they must overcome! So, if you're feeling sorry for your situation, don't!