View Full Version : Somebody done died...

The Scottish Pedro
11-05-2022, 11:33 AM
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11-05-2022, 01:18 PM
Not available

Really valuable contribution there, Peter. Was it Tania?

Also you've fucking changed your tune, haven't you:

Today at 1:05 PM (https://www.joyfreak.com/threads/what-was-the-first-major-news-story-you-remember.2384/post-41056)

9/11 with those murdering scumbags hijacking four planes, and killing over 3000 people that day. Hope they burn in hell. 

Maybe you are capable of change, because that's not really consistent the sentiments you've expressed repeatedly, previously, is it?
For example this classic: (https://web.archive.org/web/20190406091800/http://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10482&page=2)

It's like America. Nine. One. One. Self-inflicted. Greedy country that deserves to have millions more die. You see? America brought that on themselves by poking their noses into silly daft wars. So it's not at all surprising a gang of Sambo son of bitches did WTC. Who really did WTC, though? Yep. The US of A did WTC. So I ran home in a hurry, to see the action on the telly! Americans have slaughtered people in Asia for years, yet you don't really hear fuck all about it anywhere. Do ya? Yep. Gagging orders, and whatever America does, Britain must follow.

11-05-2022, 08:33 PM
Very interesting, the question is will he go to the funeral or stay home playing games and whinging on forums.

Almost certainly the latter. Peter doesn't actually like Tania - it's just that Tania is useful to Peter in terms of running errands, buying groceries, etc. Peter has made this quite clear, historically. The only member of the family Peter ever indicated any affection towards was the grandmother. Peter has only publicly shown concern for Tania when it might be useful to Peter getting engagement from other forum users.

11-06-2022, 06:23 AM
You need to like, disappear.
Peter's monomania for James is reminiscent of that of a jilted lover. Anyone have any insight what made Peter eventually settle on this James as the imagined nemesis?
(Ignoring the fact that clearly loads of people despise Peter, with good reason, and there isn't some single individual, magically awake 24/7 pursuing Peter around the internet).
As far as I can tell it seems to have evolved over time with Peter confidently asserting variously that it was Patrick, Snaisybelle, someone from ED, Vixx, some director, James (but a different James in the US) and then finally settling on the current James (in Australia). Peter now seems to have firmly latched on to that idea like the blight-ridden seed potato once hungrily latched on to Tania's saggy rancid teat.
Also, what's almost equally interesting is what exactly is the threshold that makes someone Gimpy to Peter? There are other people Peter clearly has beef with that the fuckface doesn't seem to attribute to the gestalt Gimpy - e.g. Laura, Goldsickle, BioDevilDom, everyone on GameFAQs, every forum moderator ever.

I realise that trying to find a chain of supposed reasoning in the actions of a moron is normally a futile task, but I'm genuinely curious.

It's almost as if when other people start pointing out to Peter that the little arsemaggot is wrong with regards to a subject, this is what cements the twatflap's confidence that it is actually right. When the knobpustule first came up with the notion it was this particular James, and people ridiculed it and pointed out that the logic was risibly flawed, it seems to have backed Peter into a corner of defending the 'edivence', and then the cuntwart just became entrenched there.

11-06-2022, 08:41 AM
Also, since you have a lot of time on your hands, type slower so that your poor grammar at least can make a degree of sense on here.

Fucking LOL. Jesus, as a fucnkugget that struggles to parse any form of communication more complex than cutscene dialogue, Peter's a bit trigger happy with casting aspersions on other people's writing, isn't it?

11-06-2022, 08:46 AM
Except you posted pictures of yourself and your dog, which was soon discovered elsewhere (like on Twitter), so that's "not a coincidence" at all, and you are just trying to deflect now.

I'm not doubting that someone called James exists and even posted a picture of his dog on Twitter. That's not the issue you seem so incapable of grasping. The issue is that I am not James (and I'm fairly sure neither is anyone else here); Not our Twitter account. Not our photo. Not our dog.

11-06-2022, 08:47 AM
Except you posted pictures of yourself and your dog, which was soon discovered elsewhere (like on Twitter), so that's "not a coincidence" at all, and you are just trying to deflect now.

By that logic, I've posted a picture of me picking my nose as my profile picture here, and I'm Peter.

11-06-2022, 09:01 AM
I am James Peter, how can I help you today. Are you going to the funeral?

You're assuming the scrotehair will be invited, or even informed...

11-06-2022, 10:31 AM
News just in: comedians and satirists the world over are facing a crisis as the entire planet's supply of irony dries up, following a post by Peter Ross Anderson.
It is believed the Mr Anderson (36) of Niddrie in Edinburgh exhausted the global irony reserves when Mr Anderson replied to a thread on an internet forum, late on Sunday afternoon. Mr Anderson's post read:

Look, you need to stop bothering me. I'm not interested in your petty grudge, or your immaturity, stemming from shit that happened years ago. You are obviously obsessed and weird, and just going to keep repeating the same nonsense.
Mr Anderson was unavailable for comment at this time.

11-06-2022, 05:56 PM
Where did Scotty go? As soon as I say I am James he disappears.

Who can fathom what goes on in the 'mind' of a potato?
I've always assumed it was some kind of internet version of the sneaky kid in class who hits someone and then pretends to be working before the teacher turns around, so as to get someone else into trouble; Peter likes to drive traffic to this site from other forums to support Peter's claims of unprovoked persecution, and if you're not logged in you don't see that the fucknugget has been posting and deleting - you just see all the responses. Even if logged in you get that - if you remember, Edgegranny fell for that with the whole 'Pedro has never posted anything like that here' nonsense when the cunt had been posting poisonous shit on here for years while she was gone.
That might be giving Peter far too much intellectual credit though - it's probably just some sort of compulsive fucknggetry mixed with cowardice and shame.
I just wish the shitbag would take it a step further and yeet itself from the internet entirely

11-06-2022, 06:10 PM
See - Peter's having a pop at Dave now:

Today at 5:09 PM
The Australian guy on anxietyforum.net is still deflecting and being sarcastic, and a humongous arsehole. 😴

Nothing unusual then. 😏

11-06-2022, 06:43 PM
Yes I see he now says 'The Australian guy' what happened to James.

Ah well, you see Peter's tiny potato brain only has so much processing capacity. I think when Peter tried engaging on the unreal engine dev forums (https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/silent-hill-is-coming-back/685166) earlier today, it bit off a bit more than it could chew, as there were a lot of long words and technical terms. Probably some burned out circuits now in the little tuber noggin. I mean, Peter tries to keep up a presence at beyond3d and Digital Point, but I think Peter's just so far out of its fucking depth on actual IT boards that they probably just tolerate the cunt hanging around for amusement - like a slightly demented stray cat that keeps trying to attack its own reflection in car hubcaps.

11-07-2022, 09:00 AM
As you can tell, James Berich finds it productive to make different accounts and respond to his own insane bullshit, while trying hilariously to pass himself off as a separate troll. Fortunately, he doesn't live anywhere near me, being that I'm in Scotland. Because if he did, I'd kick his arse. But Australia must surely have quite a few sad bogans working in construction, it seems. Do they know that their co-worker James is a lunatic? Maybe they buy into his shit the way his loser cohorts on Press Start to Play suck dick for Capcom.

I love how calm and unruffled Peter remains. Yes James is safe from an "arse kicking" - not only because he is probably completely unaware of Peter's existence, but also because in this case "anywhere near me" would be confined to an extremely small area, given Peter's inability to navigate the public transport system. Peter says it's agoraphobia but I suspect it's embarrassment at being able to do anything as complicated as reading a bus timetable. I'm always surprised when Peter successfully passes the captcha to post on here.

11-07-2022, 09:03 AM
It's actually perfectly okay to call James Berich a WAnker, since he's a wanker who just so happens to live in Western Australia.

I love how persistent Peter is about that. And how eager the shitbag is to explain it. Again. And again. I'm sure next year's award for best joke at the Edinburgh fringe is in the bag.

11-07-2022, 09:04 AM
I'm not talking about Ponder. I'm talking about you, James. Although with that said, Ponder is a dumb fuck for believing I was you.

And yet, Dave is the only 'Australian guy' posting here? Yes silly Dave. Imagine being so dumb as to think someone posting was somebody else. Peter would never be so fucking stupid. No siree. Peter is smart. A cut above your average potato...

11-07-2022, 01:14 PM
A bit yummy, for one bogan's tummy.


Photos of bangers and mash? Isn't that some sort of snuff porn for a potato headed freak like Peter? Good to see Peter has a plan to still be able to get some food delivered once Tania's gone. Must be doubly hard with all those police hanging about the place just now. Maybe Peter should invite some in for a nice cuppa and a wee chat?