View Full Version : Does this seem like anxiety to you?

01-06-2009, 10:07 AM
Hey everyone. I have a doctors appointment coming up and I am going to talk to her about what I believe are anxiety related issues. Before I do this I would like to get the advice of others. Honestly, I thinkt that I have suffered from some sort of anxiety since I was little. I can remember hearing about the disese aids from someone, and being absolutely petrified of getting it. I can remember being balled up on the floor crying saying that I was going to die. I obviously did not understand anything about the disease at the time, but I was extremely upset about it.

I am in college now, and I can remember a time last semester when I was stressing and worrying so much about my classes that I told my friend next to me that I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. My palms were sweaty and I had a loss of appetite as well. That episode lasted for a couple days.

Just recently I have had what I feel is more anxiety. My brother and I got into an argument and I was so worked up about it I did not eat and cried myself to sleep for a few nights. I know this might sound stupid, but just the other night I was so worked up about a wedding I don't want to be in that is a year away I lost all sleep and felt panicked. Do any of you have any suggestions for me? Should I mention this all to my doctor? Sorry its so long....

01-06-2009, 05:55 PM
I'd talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Sounds like mild anxiety with depressive episodes.

Seeing as you have never been diagnosed with Anxiety, its VERY important you speak to your healthcare provider about this first....

Good Luck!

01-06-2009, 06:05 PM
You should definitely speak to your doctor about this. Think about all of your different symptoms and make sure you list them for your doctor instead of saying "Oh, I think I have this disorder, etc.". Your doc will be able to help you much more that way. My doctor tested me for a whole bunch of disorders she thought might be causing my anxiety (thyroid problems, etc) but hasn't found anything medically wrong with me. She prescribed me klonopin, which has helped immensely. So yeah, definitely talk to your doctor. Often times they can be much more helpful than waiting to see a psychiatrist.