View Full Version : Anyone have anxiety who has experienced physical abuse?

01-02-2009, 08:35 PM
I've been diagnosed with anxiety, but nobody in my family has ever been diagnosed with anxiety but I was thinking it might be relating to the physical abuse I was exposed to for 15 years growing up. I've been to therapy to deal with it for many years, and it is getting less frequent but around Xmas I started having attacks again. I think I got triggered by bad Xmas memories as Xmas is a hard time on many people. Just wanted to see if anybody else thinks my theory is plausible.

Thanks for reading! :)

01-03-2009, 12:02 PM
hi lolobricada, it's always hard to tell with these things, but it does sound plausible. if you're particularly stressed and upset at christmas then it's no surprize that you suffer more attacks. the good news is that with the therapy you are slowly making your own recovery and i've no doubt that will continue to happen if you keep up such a positive attitude :)

i know it's a little late now as the christmas season is pretty much over (although i'm refusing to take down my tree just yet lol) but if may help you to just try and make christmas as stress free as possible (difficult i know!) or maybe even to prepare yourself in advance by taking a vitamin B complex and going to some meditation/yoga classes so you're feeling relaxed and prepared. be nice to yourself around this time of year, i know alot of the focus is on giving to others, but try to remember yourself in the midst of it all and be good & kind to yourself and do the things you do to help yourself feel better. remember it's ok to feel bad too, the main thing is that you're working on it :)