View Full Version : Perfection in My Weaknesses

12-31-2008, 05:45 PM
I experience the same anxiety before going, if I have to, where I know there will be crowds, or just a lot of people. Coffee shop, party, reunion, cafeteria, football games. I have tried to avoid them all, or felt sick (heart contracting, sweating, eyes tearing) before having to go and act awkwardly.

I usually feel like I’m on the outside of life, looking in and watching others’ lives play out like a movie, people having the romantic, adventurous lives and personalities that I wish I could have but am as far away from grasping as I am from winning an Oscar.

I have seen a psychiatrist before who prescribed me Buspirone, and I am planning to see another one concerning OCD-type thoughts.

Also I’m now memorizing verses:

Romans 8:37-39
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Isaiah 43:1-4
But now, thus says the Lord, who created you … “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God … your Savior; I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place. Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you …”

I don’t want to push my faith down anyone else’s throat, it’s just that I know this faith gives me hope, expectancy & purpose. My relationship with Christ is a panacea that heals the split between who I am and who I daydream about being. I will always struggle with anxiety; I can’t perfect myself, but in Christ I already am.

2 Corinthians 12:9
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

1 John 5:13
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

I can live with having to fight my anxiety, compulsive thoughts because instead of comparing myself to what’s standard beauty/worth, I come to an unconditionally loving God.

What I read/listen to keep from feeling anxious:
Family Christian Stores:
Epic, Waking the Dead by John Eldredge; Captivating by Stasi Eldredge

Tenth Avenue North: "By Your Side"
Smokie Norful's "I Need You Now"
Lecrae: "Desperate feat. Cam," Kirk Franklin, Out of Eden