View Full Version : Any tips for staying positive?

12-31-2008, 06:03 AM
Hey guys

I'm looking for some tips on how to stay positive. My friends and family have been saying for a while that I come across as quite negative sometimes and tend to talk myself out of doing things. I've had quite a lot of change in my life this year and have become a bit cynical about things. I also worry far too much and feel I need some help to snap out of it.


12-31-2008, 10:33 AM
It is possible to think about any situation in a multitude of different ways. Try to interpret things that seem negative in a more positive light. For example, if you were to lost your job, instead of viewing yourself as a "moron," view this time instead as a break and an opportunity to find a better one (it is rarely the case, IMO, that people are incompetent). Or, if you ask out a girl and she rejects you, instead of thinking of yourself as "unattractive," congratulate yourself on making the attempt and confronting your anxiety, while keeping the belief that something will work out down the road. Also remind yourself that even the best of ladies' men only successfully gain a date with 1 in 10 women (this is true). So, rather than blaming yourself with what you could not do, instead congratulate yourself on what you did do, and think about what you could maybe do better in the future. Hope this helps!

01-02-2009, 06:54 PM
Positive thinking is something that takes some practice. Sometimes it helps to do just that. Write down a situation (just the facts) and then write your usually response and then write all of the possible positive responses. It will help you to see the facts of the situation and then you can step back and see it a little more objectively. Think of every situation like a yin yang symbol. If you know that all situations have both good and bad in them. It is important to try and see both sides.

I do a lot of self talk. I don't like being sad or angry so I try and think of everything good about it. If it is gray and raining out, I think of how much I'll enjoy listening to the rain and sitting reading a book wrapped in blanket. This is a more positive way of thinking about it than focusing on the fact that it is col and you can't go for a walk or something like that. This is a trivial example.

I read a quote somewhere that said "Here is the key to being free from the stranglehold of past failures and mistakes: learn the lesson and forget the details." Also, "When the past tries to dominate your thoughts, let your dreams ignite your day." How about: "Don't consume your tomorrows feeding on your yesterdays." and "When you put your problems into words, you also put them into perspective."

I hope this helps.

01-14-2009, 06:48 AM
Feel gratitude for all that you have and all the fab things around you. Often negative people walk around missing everything that positive people feel and see.