View Full Version : URGENT.

12-30-2008, 07:49 PM
I am flipping out and I'm so tired of it. I bought a SELF magazine the other day to read up on fitness and what not. There was an article in there about a girl who is like 42 and bought sunglasses. Her right eye started to itch and the doctor said she had a tumor that was pushing on her eye. I got so freaked out that I have this! Why does this happen to me? I don't understand it at all. I'll go weeks with being fine, then there's a week where I feel completely out of it and I'll panic about so much. Like three years ago I had a sty type thing on my left eye and it would get really red and itchy. So when I read this article I thought about that and how maybe it was a first sign of a tumor. I need someone to help me out here and tell me what I can do. I feel crazy.

12-31-2008, 12:18 AM
Hey, I totally understand, I'm going through the same thing with other things (not to be named to make you worse!). Anyways, it would have to be a really bad itch to get that much attention. Also, there are thousands of other things that can make your eye itch, such as dust. The best way is to not think of it. You're probably fine, but if you need extra assurance, why not go get you eyes checked?

12-31-2008, 10:26 AM
Yeah, I agree with klynn. The chances of you actually having the same condition are like 1 in 1,000,000; it's really not anything for you to worry about. No matter how badly you want to think that you are the victim of some sort of ultra rare disease or condition, try your hardest to think something a little more rational at this time, such as how rare it actually would be that you had this condition. If you really have a tumor that is three years old, the odds are that it would be causing more trouble right now and since then. Even if it really is a tumor, also remember that tumors are often easily removed without causing any harm to the patient except for surgery. Try your best to believe these reasons instead of the ones you are tempted to think.

01-02-2009, 07:02 PM
We all have those moments. I can't watch most medical shows because they just make me anxious. It isn't so much about the fact that I could have them (although the thought crosses my mind and I used to worry about that). I really have more of a problem in the fact that it points out how delicate life can be and the true inevitability in life is that we are only here temporarily. I've tried to remind myself that in those situations it is just fiction and I need to remember these people are actors. I also get like that reading articles about real people. Mostly because I start to think about what they are going through and it is terrifying to imagine going through them myself. I think people with anxiety disorder are so attuned to these realities but instead of noticing them we dwell and dwell and let it fester. My husband, who is about the most calm man I know, has the same thoughts but he never dwells on them. He makes a mental note and lets go.

As for your eye... my mother always says that if you have a symptom for a minimum of 24 hours straight then you call the doctor. If not, it is usually in your head. Most people even in the worse panic attacks do not have them for 24 full hours. So, sleep on it and see if you still feel the same way tomorrow. Ideally, you will be able to move on and let it go.

Good luck, take a deep breath and try and laugh. It always makes me feel better.