View Full Version : Feeling Normal

12-30-2008, 10:10 AM
I have now got to the stage where i feel normal, as oppose to how i felt before, hoever there is still a nagging there, like something is still there, i feel like im still not the person i was.

My situation now being, im unemployed, my sleep pattern is very bad, going to sleep at around 6am, waking up around 3pm maybe 4pm

do you think that maybe on a subconcious level these are having adverse effects on the way feel, because i generally feel my best towards 2am, i feel at my most sane and normal. But im now getting this nagging feeling that maybe something serious is actually wrong with me, as time and days have no bearing, i just dont seem phased by it. Its new years eve tomorrow, and im going to a big party, i just want to feel at my best, any tips?

12-30-2008, 04:36 PM
The important thing to remember about recovery is that it doesn't just happen suddenly. It is a slow process that occurs over a time frame of months, if not years. You may feel more normal now, but this does not mean that everything is back to where it was before. So try to be patient with yourself. Likewise, if you prefer an 'early to bed, early to rise' sleep schedule, keep in mind that this is something that will also take time to change. You can't just start going to bed at 10:00PM after going to bed at 6:00AM for so long. Try instead to graudally start going to bed a little earlier from time to time.

01-02-2009, 09:13 AM
They probably are having an adverse effect in some manner. We humans are social creatures and productive ones at that...it does our health, both physical and mental, a wealth of good to be working. The big thing for recovery from mild to moderate mental health problems now is getting people back to work...its a real struggle (i've just gone back in the last three months) but it has absolutley worth it. Being on your own isn't great, being on your own at night is worse...lack of sunlight can negatively affect your emotional state.
Like Robbed says try and wean yourself into a more regular sleep cycle and when you've accomplished that try looking for work or even volunteer somewhere...start small...part time hours, etc and nsure those that you're working fro understand your position and can be flexible with you...again,as Robbed said, recovery requires patience, perseverance and other words beginning with P...take your time and you'll find yourself well again!
Best of luck

01-02-2009, 03:35 PM
Speaking of working, nobody says that you MUST work 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Even if it is your ultimate goal to work during these hours, you could certainly work different hours in the meantime while you get 'back on your feet'. Even doing something like working a few hours in the evening at a fast food job would at least give you something to keep you occupied, as well as bring in at least a little cash.

01-02-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks guys youve been helpful, since i posted the message i have taken your advice on the sleep patterns and i feel better already, also my nutrition intake has boosted everything aswel. Cheers again! :D