View Full Version : Sorry if this is incoherent babble...

07-04-2022, 07:44 PM
https://media4.giphy.com/media/ZqlvCTNHpqrio/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e470fyvcferwvol8mxigdwz6zggm9t7 fjpuiyqiqaqm&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

07-05-2022, 02:06 PM
Surely incoherent babble is pretty much the fuckwit's standard output isn't it? The real surprise is seeing the scumbag apologise for it.

07-05-2022, 02:27 PM
I actually tried it - I fed Peter's insane ramblings into a Markov chain generator and what came out was more coherent than Peter's normal babble:

Finally, I blew up and eventually realized about people online, because I sent her a message to Sara, my key worker, and her ex-boyfriend, but I never even meant to share. She was in a relationship' with a sub girl I met years ago, and did that for a while, I felt so sad that neither woman overreacted as well. The whole matter wasn't handled right, because the staff flat between 8 and 11 PM to talk to anyone about, due to my circumstances, I should have been arrested dozens of times between August of 2013 and February I think it was, just as they were like, "Oh this guy shared the link to his ED page. Come see how crazy this guy from about 2004, when he used the pseudonym, Nemesis556. He ran Capcom Central, and was also a time I waited for her going home just to try to get me to willfully declare away my tenancy, after saying I was talking about JoyFreak. Although, I will admit that nearly all forums these days I wake up and wonder why you get picked on, and nobody else goes through what you

07-05-2022, 02:29 PM
Even better second try (needs a bit more Resdidn't Evul):

Finally, I obtained my address on a website for the purpose of, you know is being ruined for greed, and if you're a true fan of something wrong. The admin ("Yama") deleted my Dino Crisis series, which I said I got banned from even collecting my mail or walking near that street, and as I said, they made up that hooey about me on Encyclopedia Dramatica, which is why I've used messages annoying me now that I am being denied access to my flat. This may sound like a moron, and she went to a friend's house, seemingly just to use the loo. She had me waiting around about how I talk about Capcom all the more, since I'm genuinely displeased with their business decisions as a whole, you'll likely understand how people feel, when she isn't treating them back. Apart from that, until I got the flat I'm residing in now, my mother had to help me place bids online for a few minutes, and insisted she was tired. After that, and her family. They clearly knew I had no social life that doesn't involve engaging with trolls on the Internet. Trolls have been more understand why some fans hate their current products. It's not just a case of some so-called, "old-school fanboys" living in the past, and wanting to get under your skin. Just agree to provide me with male workers knew I had been looking for e-sympathy for me, but I still like to talk about other horror games on forums like this "Nemesis" guy did, then go back on their word. Be true to yourself, and also be firm about your feelings, but try to bare with me. You asked for the ladies they've been on? Whether it's forums, but the boat was rocking badly by this stage due to me always suffering from acute stress. Years beforehand, when I went through to the staff there are probably more than 10 times was this Agnes, from Poland, who has since returned to Spain. Ana X or something to get proxies to work there is take the time I saw her outside my stair door. Vivien has to stand there and smoke, so they saw me around, she looked uncomfortable being around with another guy she was with in the past. And while I have called them and the service. omfg Anybody else feel like that because I made weird posts and got to #1 on the higher-ups kept grinning and saying they were like, "Oh this guy from about 2004, when he used the fact I sent a racist e-mail to the staff got me arrested me to my ISP. During the last several years, I was reunited with my ex who I had not seen in nearly 7 years, and she blocked me. We live in Edinburgh) for service users that sparked it off again. Off topic comments like, "Thanks a lot" or "Now you've done it" - kind of crap. But really, I know that shouldn't bothered. The police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity. She told me she might fly to South America one day to work with kids. That upset me, because all the way up to now, with only a few note worthy things that weren't really interested in following up on, with honest comments like, "Thanks a lot" or "Now you've done it" - kind of crap. But really, I know that shouldn't really interested when I said this stuff on other forums about how I was harassing me during my PS4 streams. I seen him posting my address on a website that you can find me at, and yes, I have evidence to your registered last week, or even during the last few years, with homeless priority. This guy at the hub said at the normal rate, "it takes 100 years to some degree. I also had a social life that doesn't look as bad as it sounds. This fake Annie person I'm sure if I did it back at them, I'd be warned about it, the topic would be thrown out if I did it back at them, I'd be warned about it, the topic would be declined each time. And the few times I landed a bit part in something was her name on here. She hasn't been active in ages, but she freaked out and got into dozens of forums these days are not one to one as other people are, yet in doing so, I get no subs, hardly any views, and others, as well as that, I messed up the street. How is it any different names, trying to find a girl to date and then the account was banned for posting a new video. Like, what on Earth does one have to stop saying ah and um so often, and prepare some sort of script, so that they should have been charged already, but it's on a separate times between 2014 and 2018, and was remanded in jail a lot since, over further breaches, but the police spotted me in the area near one of them using his phone to spew about a recent wrestling event, a movie they recently said so before she amended it out of spite. The person continued to be very rude anyway. I've been a victim of online harassment Orders. They also made a page about me, claiming benefits and I had some people's fake optimism. People shouldn't say stuff consistently to make them understand why some fans hate their current games and stuff, but if you're a person then sent me degrading text messages again.

07-05-2022, 02:36 PM
Replying to an alternate account you signed up
As pointed out before Peter. Not me (though I do find that user's schtick amusing).

that is actually purposefully based on my user name,
Duh! You think? Maybe that's the joke?
Just when I think you've managed to hit rock bottom stupid, you fing new ways to go deeper into the abyss. You fucking cretinous twatscab.

thinking that makes you clever.Compared to you, Peter, inanimate objects are clever.

07-05-2022, 02:42 PM
Last one, I promise.

Finally, I obtained my address on another prison 50 miles from home in 2015 calling me a sex offender. But great insults can last a long time, and I could register on their IMDb page. The summary on my disclosure paperwork. They'll just say, "It's down the middle of the night, when we had shifts together. She also became my key worker, and I had some people fooled for a while. He admitted it was him behind the abuse. I'll post the screenshots of them too) and kept locked up until the seniors constantly being stupid. In fact, one of the seniors constantly said to me on different and nasty towards me in those days. After a while though, is that I appear to be posting the same muck occured again...They would have handled things about their downfall as a whole, calling me a certain 'M' word too. I'd tried to say that I relied on my support in 2008 obviously do not care about me, claiming benefits and I had a supported accommodation, I don't even a legal document that I was asked out by me on a date at some point, but I would have been attempting to make content altogether. My mother says it was my temper that made me feel sad inside. Ever had any "blood war" going on. It's all bullshit to cover up the fact that they would figure out it wasn't her who damaged it, and I took her along the Union Canal for a walk once. We got to this area, and she never came back. Her excuse was that she knew I had no proof. In December of last year because they were like, "Oh this guy is" - and Nemesis basically an opinion about what I didn't enjoy my company too much. They were talking to the director, he shot little of his short film before that, she just went back. When I was back in 2014 having a nap, and the boss of that complimentary about the subject. He knows I have a social worker won't even know why these people again. But I have a page on imdb.com and all that, just trying to contact the women or even go into my flat. My ex basically now want to talk about Capcom ruining the franchises, though. They later sold out, and they got it deleted. They also made these "Cyberbullying" threads and my enemies got to know my posting habits. Now they laugh at my expense and log it all. Now I am faced with not being able to get jobs as an extra in films, which is why I was skint, and they let me rejoin after the girls were removed, resulting in my threads being locked up in the police a while ago, and somebody's name to be snide. This CJ is actually gave sensible responses and I always there using the alias zombiefied. I acted like a newbie and did not use spacing or proper words, just because I felt they lied to me regarding Nemesis, in February I think it's a bigger waste of time. I don't know who I am. But I advise people that like one horror gaming coverage site called Biohaze. Many of the more fancy stuff. But, yeah; I had trolls subscribing to me with hidden accounts on dozens of my accounts in recent years, that many of them again since they're attempting to make content altogether, it would take too long to explain everything that whole snide debate and mock me, and my character, by bringing up previous lawyer was totally useless. I need somebody mentions my name, being sarcastic or joking around about how to mail out paperwork has racism, sexual harassment orders, which should have handled things better" than they did. Um, ya think? At some point, the staff flat who was responsible sex workers for disabled because I only wanted to buy juice from an organic produce store, then return for the Dino Crisis site and forums and they just crap all over my criminal record. We will just call the shots. The once smooth working relationship I had with Sara deteriorated after the girls were removed, resulting in my threads being locked up in the police weren't that interested in March of 2014. Like, I am a big fan of survival horror, but it ain't what it used to be paying for me. Hence why I keep saying this for ages, and both times, I blew up and sent £80 worth of pizzas to blackannis, the owner of RECommunity. Et cetera. This was around those parts. They also made a page about me, claiming they accomplished their goal to get Nemesis to stop complaining about JoyFreak. Although I definitely Capcom Europe. Most of the people in charge removed in a relationship I had with Sara and a senior went on maternity leave to give birth to her first child, I suddenly stopped seeing Sara and a senior called Andrew maintained she was tired. After that, I sent an email that someone that only registered last weekend and kept removing my posts. Although I tell other staff that I do that too and they were still have shifts with her, so I was left feeling very let down. They got inside my head and gave me psychological torment. You see, they insulted my favourite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero being a (vulgar word for vagina) has really stuck with me, over and over again unless there was so much crap on there.

I'm guessing it could do a decent version of Dave, too.