View Full Version : Drugs, the best course of action?

12-22-2008, 07:41 PM
Phillip Day, Campaign for Truth in Medicine, Credence. (Please search Phillip Day in YouTube or visit his website, referenced in the videos)

This guy really doesnt seem to think so.

If you visit this site and search "psychiatry" in the "search eclub" function you will unearth a lot of very interesting articles about psychiatric medicine.

I will warn you, that his viewpoints are controversial, and some may find it upsetting, I did when I found it, as if I had known about all of this stuff before I embarked on the road of medication I would have said no, and it would have saved me a lot of heartache. It made me somewhat angry that I almost lost my life to the very medication that was supposed to help me. I hazard a guess that there are others-like me, who would prefer to see the facts, and decide then what the most appropriate course of action is.

Phillip Day runs the Campaign for Truth in Medicine, as in recent years it has become increasingly easy to engineer clinical trials for a specific purpose-that is, to obtain the desired results, without the scientific back up. (Search Harlot plc, Sackett & Oxman in google for an article from the British Medical Journal on how this is done) Medical Journals are flooded with often very contradictory studies and knowing what is real and what is not is even a mammoth task for our doctors to keep up with.

If you, like me, believe that there is more to our mental health than the chemicals that we are offered to "control" it, then you may find this site very interesting.
If not, you may still find it interesting-but you may also find it quite upsetting, so please view with caution.

With the best of intentions, I hope that this information will help all those who wish to be free of drugs in their battles with mental health. And maybe even help those who did not think that they could be helped.

Again, please view with caution, as some of the content of this site may shock and appall some. But there is a silver lining, at every turn on this site, there is hope

Love & Light


12-23-2008, 03:27 PM
I knew long before I had anxiety disorder that I would NEVER subject myself to antidepressants. What made me think this way? Simply put, it was from seeing what friends of mine who made the choice to take them had to go through. Sleep problems, emotional numbness, spaciness, aggessive behavior out of nowhere, and addiction. All the things that the doctors will either tell you are extremely rare, or just won't happen. Not to mention the fact that they really didn't seem to be better off than they were without taking them (they actually seemed worse off). I just felt that to take anidepressants would be to let their suffering be in vain. Not to mention very possibly subjecting myself to the same misery.

12-25-2008, 10:22 AM
Yes Robbed, as you said the doctors will tell you that all of these quite devestating side effects are rare, because that is what they are told.

Doctors rely on medical journals for all of their information, and sadly, as Dave Sackett and Andy Oxman demonstrated with their article "Harlot plc:An amalgamation of the Worlds two oldest professions" those very sources of information are possibly as reliable as Heat magazine.
In fact, a whole new type of medicine, called "Evidence Based Medicine" sprung up to try and combat the issue-seeing as up to 98% of the information in Medical Journals is utter twaddle. (This is why we see conflicting and contradictory health news stories every day-it literally is mind boggling)

Sadly though-now even this new branch of medical reports has become as open to abuse as original publications like JAMA are. So really you cant blame the doctors for being confused-Im sure I would be too, thankfully we have someone like Mr Day devoting his time to researching and sorting out the wheat from the chaff. And outting all the nonsense coming from either side of the health care divide, whether it be conventional medicine or complementary and alternative treatments.

Have you found your own successful mode of treatment Robbed? I do sincerely hope so. And if not perhaps we can work toward finding it!

Love & Light
