View Full Version : The Panic, it Mutates!

12-21-2008, 03:23 AM
Hey all!

I'm incredibly excited about finding this forum! I've lived with Anxiety and Panic for almost a decade now. Every time I get a hold on it, it seems to take a new form. I've been through Agoraphobia, Performance Anxiety, Panic Attacks, etc. My newest challenge is constant Dizziness, which has led to consistent, low-level Panic. So, I find myself back in the thick-of-it again, and realizing it's time to admit I can't do this on my own. It seems there is an underlying fear that will continually manifest itself, and I simply do not have the mental tools to deal with it on my own.

I suppose I've always seen this as a 'weakness' and been afraid to 'admit' I'm not 'strong' enough to deal with it. However, it seems my true strength lies in facing my fears and recognizing I can't do this alone. So, I thought my first step should be sharing my story on this forum and finding some friends I can confide in:)

I certainly don't expect you to make it through this long-winded story. It's more for me than anyone, really:)


At a ripe 20 years old I was partying and 'experimenting' with drugs. I had always found that I was particularly sensitive to hallucinogens, but one night I found myself taking an 'accidentally' large dose of LSD. This sent me on a terrifying journey in which I was convinced I had gained all knowledge of the universe, far too much for the human mind to process, thus driving me completely insane. To top it off, I swallowed the entire bar to my newly pierced tongue ring, which felt like peanut butter stuck in my throat (a lovely sensation that lasted the duration of my trip). Traumatized, I eventually came down, ignored advice to look for my tongue ring in my next bowel movement, and spent the next 3 days in a state of crazed Panic. Weeks later, I decided to jump back in the saddle and smoked some pot with friends. I was immediately propelled back to nutter-land. This developed within me a massive fear of losing control. Needless to say, I never took LSD again and 'Mary Jane' and I had a a rocky relationship, at best;)

About 3 years later, I was under a tremendous amount of self-pressure, and stayed behind to work on my music while my friends went out to party. I suddenly felt and overwhelming sense of doom, which turned into sheer terror; I was dying. I had a friend rush me to the ER. I was hyperventilating and my arms had atrophied. I truly could not believe the prognosis; panic attack. The fact that my 'mind' had such a profound negative effect on my body was astounding and I went into seclusion for weeks, thinking I was on the brink of going crazy. I finally understood how those poor homeless folks went mad. I felt one step away.

Enough time went by that I managed to get over it, but throughout the years it would rear it's ugly head. At one point I was convinced I had heart problems, and went through the gamut of tests, all normal. Later I started seeing objects melt in my peripheral vision, and locked myself inside my apartment for weeks. A year later I went all Panicky in a packed club, and eventually developed a fear of crowds. At some point I had a panic attack while getting my haircut and developed an intense fear of the hair salon! Somehow, I was able to overcome all of this and lived quite happily for a couple years, with minor Anxiety attacks sprinkled on top.

About 4 years ago I left my girlfriend of 7 years. It was frightening, but incredibly freeing (and utterly necessary). Around the same time, I started a new job which required a weekly company meeting. In these meetings, we had to individually share with everyone what we had done that week, which I found incredibly nerve-racking. By the third meeting, I completely froze, forgot what I was saying and couldn't continue (very embarassing). By the fourth, I was so nervous I had to leave the room before it was my turn to speak. It got so bad, I starting taking Valium before each meeting.

This kicked off a new form of Anxiety; Performance Anxiety. For the next two years I couldn't have a meeting or take an interview without popping a Valium. Eventually, and MOST unfortunately, this began translating to the bedroom. I started taking Valium on nights I knew I'd 'get lucky' so I could actually 'get lucky'! It was horrible. Thankfully, a wonderful woman (who I'm still with:) got me over the bedroom anxiety, but the other still lingered, until recently.

My current profession requires a ton of creative meetings, which has really helped me get over the performance anxiety. Unfortunately, the job itself has introduced an intense level of stress, under which my general Anxiety has flourished. About 6 months ago I began getting dizzy. This compounded with my Anxiety and thoughts of 'Brain Tumors' began plaguing me. I went through all the tests and came up with a big ole' question mark. So, I began convincing myself it was caused from an old neck injury that still bothers me. Unfortunately, the Dizziness has brought on a constant state of Panic. It's gotten so bad, I'll have one, long Panic Attack while 'relaxing' and watching a movie. It's ridiculous! This has led me back to the drawing board, and I'm starting to think the Dizziness is simply my Panic re-manifesting itself, yet again.

So, I've finally devoted myself to fixing this. I'm meditating, exercising, stretching, breathing, eating healthy, taking vitamins and giving up the tough-guy act to see a therapist after the new year. I've already found a wealth of knowledge through this forum and have a whole new perspective on 'hope'. I'm positive about the future and look upon this as the ultimate New Years Resolution!


12-21-2008, 08:35 AM
So, I've finally devoted myself to fixing this. I'm meditating, exercising, stretching, breathing, eating healthy, taking vitamins and giving up the tough-guy act to see a therapist after the new year. I've already found a wealth of knowledge through this forum and have a whole new perspective on 'hope'. I'm positive about the future and look upon this as the ultimate New Years Resolution!


hi dizz! welcome to the forum!

you know i just love this last paragraph from your story, you've been through such a difficult time through the years and yet here at the end of your story there is such hope and strength and positivity :) it sounds to me like you're on the right path already, it's just a matter of time until you start to feel the benefits of it. a positive attitude like this is absolutely necessary to recovery!

i really think it sounds like, from all your experiences, that you just don't handle stress very well and eventually it builds up into anxiety. fortunately all the things you're doing now (the healthy diet, vitamins excercise and therapy) will really help with this and hopefully as time goes on you will learn to combat stress a bit better :) and good luck with starting therapy, i hope you find it to your benefit - i found it incredibly helpful and consider it one of the best things i've ever done for myself!

i know exactly what you mean about the dizziness and how it can create anxiety. last year i went through hell when i got a virus that affected my inner ear and made me loose my balance and left me constantly dizzy for about 6 weeks (this time last year my life was a nightmare!). my anxiety and panic just shot through the roof during that time, so i'm totally sympathetic about how your own dizziness makes you feel so stressed and worried! have you been to the doctor to make sure that all is well with your ears & sinus? an inner ear infection or sinus problems can create dizziness but are easily treated. another recommendation is going for acupuncture, it can help majorly with dizziness and can also help you to relax a little from the stress of it all, so it might be worth looking into. i loved it, my acupuncturist was fantastic!

you might be interested to read this post about anxiety and the inner ear from a member who through his own research and experience has discovered how anxiety & the inner ear can be linked: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewt ... =inner+ear (http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3746&highlight=inner+ear) it's helped quite a few people, you may find it helpful too if you are having balance problems.

and finally, if you haven't seen it already, then i've written another post on here detailing all the kinds of things that helped me through my own anxiety problems, you may like to have a read and see if there's anything on it you find helpful: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you find this of some help and wish you all the best on your journey, it sounds to me like you'll be just fine if you keep on working like you are now :)

01-18-2009, 06:53 PM
Thanks Northstar, your posts are incredibly helpful!

I made it through the holidays with flying colors. Had a nice recovery, stopped feeling constant panic, started a regimen of vitamins (Multi, Magnesium, Omega, B-complex), exercise and meditation.

Additionally, I had an amazing conversation with my Mother in which she told me she experienced the EXACT same type of anxiety, panic and dizziness when she was my age. She gave me some great advice: When you experience a panic attack, instead of trying to control it, let it CONSUME you. Instead of hanging on, just LET GO. The only power that panic has is to make you feel bad. It can't hurt you or kill you. Once you've let go, It's truly powerless.

She finally realized her dizziness was caused by shallow breathing, a bi-product of anxiety. She discovered Nose Breathing, as done in Yoga, cuerd her dizziness; Hold one nostril, take a deep breath in, release the nostril and hold the other nostril, exhale. Repeat 10 times, alternating nostrils.

Another thing that helped her was medication. After a bout of anxiety, when she felt the worst of her panic coming on, she would take her prescribed pill. This would break the cycle of anxiety and allow her to focus on getting better. Also, it helped her to know a simple pill, prescribed to calm her mind, could cure her symptoms. This was proof that her problems were all in her mind, and that she wasn't dying.

So, with all of this good stuff I was doing for myself and hearing from my Mom, things were going very well.......

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I started having panic attacks in my sleep! They've been ongoing for over a week now. It feels like an electric shock that jolts me awake. It's terrible! For the first time ever, I can't sleep:( This has brought on a reacurrance of panic and anxiety during the day. So, it seems the panic has mutated, AGAIN!

However, I have yet to schedule any therapy for myself, thus proving the importance of it. It seems I can take all the vitamins in the world, exercise till I drop and meditate for days, but until I decide to get help and attain the mental tools necessary to deal with this, the panic will continue mutate.

I'm currently looking for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Los Angeles Area, but the costs seem astronomical. To compound this, I'm being denied insurance because I've seen a physical therapist in the last 6 months. Seems PT is a red flag for insurance companies.

You can't stop me though. Nothing can. I'm gonna beat this thing.....'til it's GONE;)
