View Full Version : Fying tips??

12-19-2008, 03:52 PM
I really want to fly up to Indiana to see my boyfriends for the holidays. But last time i flew was a horrible experience. I had probably the worst anxiety i have ever had. And now when i think about flying i just think about last time and fear having an anxiety attack, witch i know is going to make be have one because I'm thinking about it so much.

I really want to go up there because its out in the country and i just got done with a semester of school and i think it would be nice to go relax out in the country...Its just getting there that is killing me.

Does anyone have any calming tips for when you fly?

12-19-2008, 05:50 PM
How about seeing your doctor and asking for some valium or sleeping pills and then wash a couple of down with a stiff drink at the airport. Just the one drink though as your not supposed to mix with these things with alcohol. Should be enough to take the worst of the edge off though.

12-20-2008, 10:20 AM
Last time i flew i had the doctor prescribe some Ativan. Suppost to relax you, but it doesn't knock you out or anything. The best tip i can give, is the one i normally give to myself during a panic attack in a car or something. "I've had a panic attack before, it was scary but it went away." To me there seems to be a limit to how bad panic attacks can actually get. I've had ones before that go so bad that i just gave up on trying to control it and i just accepted all the feelings i was getting. It shortly after went away, though i felt exhausted. I still don't like the thought of flying even though i made it through my last flight with not too much disturbance. If you decide to go, just think about the time your going to have in Indiana, like how much you're going to enjoy it and just be able to relax. It's hard for a lot of us to fly, but it's kind of like having to do some long essay. You really would rather not mess with it, but you go ahead and start it. Then you realize it's over quicker than you thought and you feel really happy you did it.

12-22-2008, 07:45 AM
Does anyone have any calming tips for when you fly?

I have to fly next week too, and I'm already bunching up just thinking about it.

But one tip I have when actually on the flight is this...and it always works for me...just watch the flight crew. Each little bump or rattle, if they don't react, then it's business as usual for them.

The other thing I think about before I go is just the odds. If you think of how many actual accidents there are in relation to how many flights there are each day...

12-29-2008, 08:30 AM
I really want to fly up to Indiana to see my boyfriends for the holidays. But last time i flew was a horrible experience. I had probably the worst anxiety i have ever had. And now when i think about flying i just think about last time and fear having an anxiety attack, witch i know is going to make be have one because I'm thinking about it so much.

I really want to go up there because its out in the country and i just got done with a semester of school and i think it would be nice to go relax out in the country...Its just getting there that is killing me.

Does anyone have any calming tips for when you fly?

hi ,

Do you discuss this matter with your Psychiatrist before ? Maybe they have some method or medicine or any other way to make us feel calm while flying ?

It is ok to ask yea :) anyway , i wish u all the best.

Richard Chan

01-02-2009, 09:17 AM
jdawgzy hit the nail on the head...what happens when you panic...you feel horrible and terrified but it goes and leaves, it does no lasting damage and when its gone you're yourself again. Fear of a panic attack is the main thing that keeps em going! Learn to view them as troublesome and unpleasant and you'll find the stop coming at all! PS that said,i always liked a diazepam when flying!

01-02-2009, 02:07 PM
Panic attacks are your body going into fight or flight. I try and do as many things as I can to make sure that I won't have those reactions. Here's a list of the things I do:

I avoid all stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars and flours).

I try and eat a good meal before I get on the flight that is high in protein and complex carbs so that my blood sugar doesn't go crazy. I also make sure I am well hydrated before I even get on the plane. I bring snacks with me (usually a BIG bottle of water and fruit, crackers, and protein). Low blood sugar and dehydration are big triggers for my anxiety so this is key for me.

Wear comfortable clothes and ware layers so you can add or take off if you get cold or hot. Temperature is a big trigger for my anxiety so keeping it in check helps me stay calm.

Get a very good nights sleep the night before and leave extra early so you aren't rushed. If you feel rushed when you get on the plane, you will already be anxious. Also, I make checklists before I leave and go through them before I leave. That way I'm not worried I forgot anything. I also try to remember that there are stores wherever I'm going and I can always buy anything I need.

When I get on the plane I try and keep myself occupied with things I really enjoy. If I am laughing, I can't be stressed. I try and bring really funny books or magazines that are lighthearted. If I am traveling with a friend, I bring games that are fun and not stressful. If there is a TV on the flight, I try and find something funny to watch. Your body cannot be in "fight or flight mode" if you are laughing. It just doesn't work.

Bring relaxing music or a tape for meditation/progressive muscle relaxation. This is if I get scared and need to clam myself down. I also sometimes bring the face masks. Once I block everything out and focus on breathing, I feel so much better.

This is a lot of information but I find that all of it is helpful. Good luck to you!