View Full Version : Cold and Flu + Anxiety

12-19-2008, 07:57 AM

Sorry to keep posting im just worried again.

I have a sore throat and a blocked up nose and im worried im going to die or stop breathing or something.

has anyone had this and have you been ok?

12-19-2008, 08:19 AM
gemma lol you just have a cold!!! really, what have you been doing about your anxiety?? there is sooooo much that you could do! it's ok to keep posting, but you really need to start working on your problems too - i've said this lots of times before: if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always get - this means you have to create the changes that you want in your life, things wont change by themselves :) have a look at this post, there are so many things that you can do wo help yourself with: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

if you have a cold then just keep drinking plenty of warm liquids (not tea or coffee, but instead things like herbal teas or honey & the juice of a fresh lemon in some hot water). rest as much as you can, make yourself a hot water bottle and stay warm. to help yourself breathe a bit easier just ask your pharmacist about an oil like peppermint or eucalyptus to help clear out your nose - what you do is get a basin of hot water then put a couple of drops of the oil into the water and breathe in the vapours - your pharmacist will tell you all about it :)

take care of yourself and you'll be right as rain in no time! and start taking care of that anxiety too :)

12-19-2008, 08:24 AM

Sorry to keep posting im just worried again.

I have a sore throat and a blocked up nose and im worried im going to die or stop breathing or something.

has anyone had this and have you been ok?

Hey Gemma, I understand you are worried about it, you will be just fine though :) I actually have a cold at the moment aswell lol, I think it's going around in England! My throat hurts and I can't talk very well but i'm not having difficulty breathing. I have anxiety problems though, that is one thing I am sure about lol.

12-19-2008, 11:26 PM
Hi Northstar and Andy..

Thanks for the replies..

Northstar - I have been trying to deal with my anxiety i am on tablets, but sometimes i am determined to go to my doctor and talk about it, but then i think im stupid and when i actually get face to face with the doctor i feel stupid and dont mention anything! I have a really bad fear of dying in my sleep, i cant sleep at all at night, Its 6.30am and i havent been to sleep yet! I keep saying to myself if it was my time to die, i wouldnt be waiting to go to sleep to die, it would just happen. How can i start to deal with this?

Andy - I was the same yesterday i couldnt breathe properly i have got some vics vapour rub and its helped a lot! My nan and my dad both have the bug so ive got it aswell now.. lol x

12-20-2008, 04:31 AM
Hi Northstar and Andy..

Thanks for the replies..

Northstar - I have been trying to deal with my anxiety i am on tablets, but sometimes i am determined to go to my doctor and talk about it, but then i think im stupid and when i actually get face to face with the doctor i feel stupid and dont mention anything! I have a really bad fear of dying in my sleep, i cant sleep at all at night, Its 6.30am and i havent been to sleep yet! I keep saying to myself if it was my time to die, i wouldnt be waiting to go to sleep to die, it would just happen. How can i start to deal with this?

Andy - I was the same yesterday i couldnt breathe properly i have got some vics vapour rub and its helped a lot! My nan and my dad both have the bug so ive got it aswell now.. lol x

Hey Gemma :) The first thing you said... I think it would help you so much if you told your doctor how you felt, I am 99% sure he/she wouldn't laugh at you or think you was silly in any way. I told my doctor how I felt a while ago and she reffered me to a therapist and I tell the therapist how I feel when I see him every month and he tries to help me.

I don't have the same fears as you but I have other fears which are just as upsetting. Like I love football and I play for a team but before every match I get so anxious because I play as a goalkeeper and I keep imagining myself letting the ball in easily and making a silly mistake and costing the team. It doesen't usually happen that way but I always fear it will and it makes me feel really ill before every game!

I actually have a really bad cold now lol, I was up most the night with it, well it could well be man flu, in which case it's even worse :D :tongue: I have a football match to play in an hour aswell, man flu + football match + rain = disastor lol.

12-20-2008, 04:53 AM
Northstar - I have been trying to deal with my anxiety i am on tablets, but sometimes i am determined to go to my doctor and talk about it, but then i think im stupid and when i actually get face to face with the doctor i feel stupid and dont mention anything! I have a really bad fear of dying in my sleep, i cant sleep at all at night, Its 6.30am and i havent been to sleep yet! I keep saying to myself if it was my time to die, i wouldnt be waiting to go to sleep to die, it would just happen. How can i start to deal with this?

gemma i understand how you feel about it, but if you want help then you need to ask for it, your doctor can't help you otherwise and nothing will change :( don't feel stupid, your problems are very valid and your doctor will understand this.

if you read the link i gave you in my first reply there are lots of things that you can do as well as talking to your doctor like trying to get into a good sleeping pattern or looking at your diet.

have you thought about therapy? i found that psychotherapy really helped me to deal with my irrational fears! it was really great and totally worth it. cognitive behaviour therapy is also highly recommended for this kind of problem. look around and see what your options are, you've got to reach out for that help. be strong and be good to yourself, you deserve a much happier quality of life :)

Punk Rock Steve
12-26-2008, 11:50 AM
Gemma...I'm in the same boat as you. Been sick this week (and for 3 weeks in November), Having breathing issues a lot too, even though I can get a good full deep breath at times...I too have an extreme fear of dying in my sleep. The other night I was up till 2 AM, then took something that usually knocks me right out within 20 minutes or so, and STILL I didn't fall asleep till 5 AM, had 2 1/2 hours sleep and felt like shit all day at work while still being sick. What I sometimes do that works is just watch the television to distract myself from fear of falling asleep, and just let nature takes it's course. So far, I've found that I just wake up in the morning, still alive obviously :) Our minds are a terrible place to hang out in sometimes...hang in there and keep working on yourself...you're worth it!