View Full Version : My anxiety

SGT. Zebracakes
12-18-2008, 09:50 PM
Greetings all. I am new to this forum and I also have anxiety. To introduce myself I am a 19 year old male who has been experiencing anxiety ever since the 7th grade. My real problem I have is that I have what some people call “Lump Throat”. I have been dealing with this since the 7th grade. Over time it has been decreasing is discomfort. But lately it has been unbearable. I know that this condition is caused by anxiety. It only occurs on the right side of my neck/throat. Does anyone else here experience this issue? And does anyone have any treatment or any tips on how to overcome this problem?

I also deal with shortness of breath.

Thank you for any help!

12-19-2008, 02:27 PM

I also have this from time to time, it is not there when i don't think about it...it makes me have a bit of a cough as well. I haven't found anything that helps though, i have tried various cough and throut sweets and medicines. The best thing to do is disctraction i think, which is easier said than done!

Sorry I couldn't be of any help but sometimes it is just reasuring that someone is experiencing what you are.

12-19-2008, 04:02 PM
I have this problem. Its either a lump where the "Adams apple" would be feeling like its pushing on my throat, or the left side of my neck will feel very stiff and i will feel like there is a lump there.

What i do, that seems to help nicely is drinking hot green tea. A hot cup of tea seems to calm my nerves and my muscles and i don't think about it anymore.

Hope that helps you!