View Full Version : is it all about control?

12-18-2008, 06:09 PM
Been thinking about this a lot recently. Basically some situations which cause anxiety for some non anxiety sufferers don't bother me but others they probably wouldn't think twice about do. Examples of things which don't bother me at all are blind dates, meeting people for the first time, exams, interviews, social functions, having a tattoo done. Examples of things that do make me very anxious including flying, work meetings, large sporting events or concerts, classrooms. I beginning to wonder if part of my problem is control or to be more exact situations where I don't have enough of it. For example meetings and flying are two situations where it would be very difficult to leave! Obviously once a plane has taken off well thats you stuck there until it lands again. With meetings or in a classroom you do have the option of leaving however if you don't come back someone's going to notice and start asking questions. I really think that the control aspect of this condition is an important factor. I mean perhaps its the fear that we are going to make a fool of ourselves or do something embarrassing (because we are anxious) in front of a lot of people and look for a potential escape route in case that happens. When that door is closed off, which in the case of something like a plane, its pretty obvious this will lead to anxiety however perhaps people who don't have anxiety think about these situations differently i.e they are not always looking for an escape route just in case. Just some of my thoughts on the subject.

01-03-2009, 10:11 PM
I've noticed that about myself too - but I think I have the opposite rationale. I am not nervous taking exams, speaking in public, performing, or flying on a plane. Because once I get to the point of doing those things, there is nothing I else I can do but do them. I might worry about PREPARING for a test, or getting ONTO the plane - but once I'm taking the test or in flight, I'm somehow very aware and ok with the fact that there is nothing I can do.

I think it makes me MORE nervous when something is in my control because I worry that I will mess up or make a wrong decision.