View Full Version : fear of allergic reactions anyone?? please read

12-18-2008, 04:03 PM
hey all, im new here
suffered anxiety for 5 years now also had bouts of agrophobia too.

lucky me :roll:

my fear chop and change all the time theres been, heart, cancer, meningitis .......... etc
BUT now its fear of having allergic reation, i always eat same foods, use same soaps, toothpaste, shampoos etc never use anything i have not used before.

also medications! i can not take them fear of side effects and yet again allergic reaction

always checking pulse, and gasping to make sure airways are open etc etc checking for hives blah blah

this really sucks and has to be the worst fear ever

anyone else in the same boat as me????????? any advice????????

also been given some citalopram by doctors and can't take it cause of my fear, anyone tried citalopram and did it help? :?

12-20-2008, 09:41 PM
My anxiety symptoms change all the time and go through various cycles. I'm going through the allergic reaction thing as well right now. I am actually alergic to peanuts but have never had a reaction yet (as I am very careful) so I don't know what it feels like to have a reaction but I am constantly thinking that I am having one (even though I buy things that are guaranteed peanut free) or sometimes I feel like I am having a reaction even though I havent eaten anything!!! I also understand you on the side effects on medication. Everytime I get medication, I come home and research all the possible effects and then get way too scared to take it and fear I may be allergic to it. My doctor gave me pills to help my anxitey and I still haven't taken any in fear.

12-21-2008, 04:35 PM
i know, doctors should carry these medications and make you take the first one there!!! and when you ask them about side effects (like i do) they should LIE!!! lol
I myself have never even had an allergic reaction, but always think i am but all "of course" anxiety symptoms, but there are allergys in my family, bee stings.... but im not allergic

this sucks, i dont understand how i use to live a perfectly normal life upuntil now, now my life is just shit its not fear.

but now the doctors are thinking maybe my anxiety is coming from possibly BDD (body dysmorphic disorder)

gosh who knows. just make me better

12-28-2008, 12:21 AM
I get that too...even with things i've eaten before. I'll analyze like everything i feel in my mouth area and think something bad is happening.
What does make me feel better sometimes which you might want to do, is this happened to my aunt once where she started to get a reaction and just taking some benadryl helped, so i always just keep some in the house, its a good thing to have, and it keeps be a little more reasured, though it is hard sometimes still.