View Full Version : Can You See The Real Me?

12-17-2008, 04:25 PM
Hi all...my name is Dan and I thought I would use a use a WHO song title to grab your attention. Now that I've done that, please read my brief story below and let me know what you think.

Everything went downhill rapidly for me on May 29th of this year (2008). It was a nice Sunday morning and I had gone to the kitchen to find something to eat. I went back to the living room and sat down to watch tv. That's when this nightmare began.

I began having the feeling of losing conciousness (syncope)...but I didn't actually black out. However, I felt chilled and was sweating...my ears were ringing loudly and my hands and feet were tingling. I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack, so I asked my wife to bring me to the ER. They hooked me up to to an EKG (normal)...did some bloodwork (normal)...and then sent me home. I sat on the couch for 7 hours with my mind racing...unable to concentrate on anything until I finally asked my wife to bring me back to the ER. Again they did an EKG (normal)...more blood tests (normal)...until finally the Doc prescribed me Ativan. Within a few minutes, I felt "ok" and went home and slept for the night.

To make a very long story short, I have been through a battery of tests:

*Stress/Echo: Normal
*MRI (Brain): Normal
*24 Hour Urine: Normal
*Thyroid (TSH/T3/T4): Normal
*Lyme Test: Normal
*Serum Cortisol: Slightly elevated

I have seen an ENT who ruled out Meneire's Disease.

I was put on Zoloft twice. Both times I had bad reactions. The only drug that has worked for me (calming) have been the Benzos. I was on Ativan until September at which time they switched me over to Klonopin.

Here are my symptoms...most of which have persisted since June.

*Lightheaded/Dizziness...sometimes brief Vertigo
*Heart Palpitations
*Tingling in Hands and Feet
*Cold Hands and Feet
*Low Body Temperature (I once clocked in at 96.6...for me that ain't normal)
*Constant Hunger/Craving Sweets
*Bloodshot Eyes/Scratchy Eyes
*Shortness Of Breath
*A visual field phenomenon called "visual static" or "visual snow".

Anyway, I really want to believe all of this is just anxiety and stress, but something within me keeps telling me to search for some other physical symptom. So in and out of the Docs office I go.

I should add that I was a consumer of 3-4 alcoholic drinks nightly for many years until the day this began. I haven't had a drink since.

So...possibly I was self medicating all of those years and the anxiety finally caught up? I don't know. I want to try and give up the Klonopin...but my Psychologist said I should take it as needed until we start Cognitive B Therapy and Biofeedback in January.

With each of these medical tests, I keep hoping for an "ah ha!" moment...but I suppose I should be grateful that all has checked out fine. For some reason I keep thinking they have missed something.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! If any of you can identify, I'd love to hear it. Especially the "visual snow" thing.


12-18-2008, 08:57 AM
I think I somewhat understand the visual snow thing, but for me it comes at times when I am not anxious. Overall, your symptoms seem to be similar to my girlfriend's, who suffers from panic disorder. She experiences shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, and nausea. She went to the ER room once when she was having heart palpitations and shortness of breath and the doctors thought she was having a heart attack. They really did not have any idea what to do though.

Your theory on self-medication from alcohol sounds very plausible and may be something to explore with a counselor. There is no rule that says one is an alcoholic, however, 3-4 drinks on a nightly basis for many years would arouse my suspicion. If that is the case, try staying dry for a few months and see if your health improves or if the anxiety continues. These are just personal recommendations, but I think seeing a counselor for anxiety, or if that is not affordable for you, attending some AA meetings to see if you do suffer from alcholism may be a wise idea.

12-18-2008, 02:25 PM
Well not much visualsnow feeling but I get a feeling of tunnel vision like I have lost my perifrial vision. < not spelled rite i know..lol To get to my point is August of this year ditto on the exact same nightmare starting. Still setting around thinkin they missed something,but I quit drinking in 1991 and am a recovering alcoholic and always will be. My sister is an active drinker and she has attacks too. So forget the self medicating part of your theory. If you tell me i'm having panic attacks i'll tell you that you are and we will feel better until we conjure somethin else up in our minds...rite? Not trying to be a jerk just tryin to relate.