View Full Version : Driving lesson's always give me anxiety,and I have one today

12-17-2008, 10:59 AM
I have my 3rd (and last) driving lesson today, and I'm freaking out. I always project things and I'm always so afraid of having a panic attack in the middle of driving and him saying "We'll reschedule."

I mean, the other two I've done fine and he's even taken me home a half an hour early because I'm such a good driver but I'm just so afraid for some reason of this time especially. Someone please offer me some advice! :?

12-18-2008, 09:04 AM
Just keeping telling yourself that it will be fine, no matter what the outcome. As you have noted, you have not only performed, but performed well. Sometimes, it's just more helpful to hear from someone else that you will in fact succed, and it sounds like that in this case, your chances for success are very high! Go get 'em!

12-18-2008, 05:22 PM
Just keeping telling yourself that it will be fine, no matter what the outcome. As you have noted, you have not only performed, but performed well. Sometimes, it's just more helpful to hear from someone else that you will in fact succed, and it sounds like that in this case, your chances for success are very high! Go get 'em!

Thanks! I rocked it and got taken home an hour early I did so well! Hell yes.