View Full Version : Syncoptic episode

12-17-2008, 10:30 AM
Ever heard of it? Well I had one today at a cash point after a stressful morning at work. Basically its all the symptoms of fainting without actually collapsing. Doc took my BP which was 157/100 which is too high. My heart was also beating too fast and my temp was high. Basically advised that prolonged periods of anxiety can lead to these episodes from time to time. Either that or its a heart condition but I won't find out about that until I've had an ECG done in a couple of weeks time.

12-17-2008, 11:11 AM
Ever heard of it? Well I had one today at a cash point after a stressful morning at work. Basically its all the symptoms of fainting without actually collapsing. Doc took my BP which was 157/100 which is too high. My heart was also beating too fast and my temp was high. Basically advised that prolonged periods of anxiety can lead to these episodes from time to time. Either that or its a heart condition but I won't find out about that until I've had an ECG done in a couple of weeks time.

I think I have experienced this, actually. I'm not 100% sure though. I just feel really out of it, and my head feels like it's made out of cotton and I can't concentrate on anything. It's not depersonalization, even though it sounds like it, because I've experienced that before.

However, I've never actually fainted, so as I said, I'm not 100%

08-25-2009, 04:03 PM
Believe it or not, I just came from the vet with my dog, and she has these episodes! She has had a sinus infection and cold, and has been coughing. Yesterday, she just keeled over and went limp. I thought she was dead. I picked her up, calling her name over and over, and sat her on the bed. She then opened her eyes and looked at me and raised her head. The doctor told me he thought that was what it was, since she doesn't seem to have a heart murmur or congestive heart failure. She has impaired breathing due to a partially blocked windpipe from birth. So when she has this congestion in her nose and throat, she just doesn't get enough Oxygen to her brain and looses momentary consciousness. Sounds unusual to me, but in looking for it on the internet, what you have experienced sounds much the same! I have been on vacation for two weeks, and she IS an anxious little dog. This could have triggered it.

09-12-2009, 10:52 PM
i have had these a few times as well. very scary, feels like you are going to faint, which makes you worry further that something is medically wrong with you, and then boom, full blown panic.