View Full Version : feeling numb

12-16-2008, 04:36 PM
Does anybody else constantly check how they are thinking and feeling and worry about whether its normal. I don't know if its the anxiety and self doubt thats making me depressed but I feel kind of numb sometimes :(. Its like i'm looking inwards and trying to find emotion and feeling but just hitting a brick wall. However, when something sudden happens (like somebody getting hurt) I go into autopilot and my emotions come back. It just seems to be when im looking for them that I feel numb.
I also worry about making a fool of myself in front of people or coming out with something weird. Maybe when you're minds fixated on looking stupid or feeling like an idiot all of the time you can't think straight and thus do actually say stupid things, like a self forfilling prophecy. I dunno, I just feel really down about it alot of the time.

12-17-2008, 12:32 PM
I feel like this right now, i feel like im coming out of the anxious stage of this because i dont feel anxious about many things anymore, it feels like im normal again, but im not, i often think that maybe because i felt that bad for so long then it feels surreal to feel normal. I often think about the way im feeling because im not getting any bad symptoms, just more of the point that i dont feel 'right' or 'me'. Then i start thinking that maybe i am just depressed and i dont know it. Its strange, and very hard to desribe in words, but like you said it does feel like your a bit numb.

Can you relate to the above?

12-18-2008, 04:31 PM
Yea i guess its the same sort of thing. I always overanalyse things I say and do and worry about them. Ive think ive got like a complex about me being stupid and unfeeling. I keep thinking im getting better when I tell myself that its stupid to worry about it and im normal but then Im soon thinking about it again and feel really detatched and crappy.

12-18-2008, 09:54 PM
Trust Me, I feel the exact same, but youve just got to realise that its just a thought, your still able to do things physically, like a cartwheel if you wanted! haha

Remember its just a bad thought, nothing else.

12-19-2008, 03:46 PM
Remember that 'emotional numbness' is not only a common anxiety symptom. It is also one of the most complained about side effects of antidepressants (and frequently causes people to stop using them). So if you are on an antidepressant to control your anxiety, you are possibly suffering from side effects.