View Full Version : Hello all.

12-16-2008, 10:45 AM

My name is Robin. I am a 22 year old mother and a wife. I started having anxiety problems back last year. I have been battling with it for about almost 1 year to be exact. My husband works out of town most of the time. I believe what sets my anxiety off is the fact that we only have ONE vehicle and I am stuck at home 24/7. I am constantly worried about EVERYTHING!!!! The fact that I am stuck at home with my 2 yr old son drives me insane. I am constantly worried about being stuck at home, what if something happens to me, what if something happens to him and just plain out being by myself. We live with my parents but are soon to be moving. We both will eventually have NORMAL jobs so we will be home or closer to home. I literally freak out when I am by myself but try to cope with it. I can't even DRIVE anywhere without having a fear. The fear that something is going to happen to me...etc. All of this in which...makes me worry until I feel dizzy, chest hurting, and even to the point in which I just break down and cry. It seems once I cry it kinda gets better. When my husband is home it all goes away...I bet this sounds crazy. LOL My husband has anxiety too but has had it for years hence he is 29. He, My dad (who used to work as a behavioral health counselour) and the doctors here tell me that it is something I am going to have to deal with and learn to deal with it. Well, that is wayyyyyy easier said then done. I have decided to join this forum since I am having a hard time dealing with it. I have done good until now....We are having a bad time expecially since Christmas is right around the corner. I guess I just have alot of stress on me. I haven't had an attack for a few months til now...it seems to go away but then come right back...I don't know..I want help but, I don't wanna be on any meds that have horrible side effects. I just want to be ME and continue livin my life. I want t be normal.. :unsure: Well, This is my introduction...I would like some feedback it will be useful. :) Thanks. I am also on Yahoo Messenger if anyone is willing to talk.
